Rebuilding Buddhism: The Theravada Movement in Twentieth-Century Nepal |
Author |
Gellner, David N.
LeVine, Sarah
Date | 2007.09 |
Pages | 362 |
Publisher | Harvard University Press |
Publisher Url |
Location | Cambridge, MA, US [劍橋, 麻薩諸塞州, 美國] |
Content type | 書籍=Book |
Language | 英文=English |
Keyword | 上座部佛教=南傳佛教=Theravada Buddhism; 佛教人物=Buddhist; 金剛乘=真言教=瑜伽宗=坦特羅佛教=密教=密宗=Tantric Buddhism=Esoteric Buddhism=Vajrayana Buddhism; 修行方法=修行法門=Practice; 傳記=Biography; 靜坐=Meditation; 禪修=Meditation |
Abstract | Rebuilding Buddhism describes in evocative detail the experiences and achievements of Nepalis who have adopted Theravada Buddhism. This form of Buddhism was introduced into Nepal from Burma and Sri Lanka in the 1930s, and its adherents have struggled for recognition and acceptance ever since. With its focus on the austere figure of the monk and the biography of the historical Buddha, and more recently with its emphasis on individualizing meditation and on gender equality, Theravada Buddhism contrasts sharply with the highly ritualized Tantric Buddhism traditionally practiced in the Kathmandu Valley. Based on extensive fieldwork, interviews, and historical reconstruction, the book provides a rich portrait of the different ways of being a Nepali Buddhist over the past seventy years. At the same time it explores the impact of the Theravada movement and what its gradual success has meant for Buddhism, for society, and for men and women in Nepal.
本書詳述尼泊爾人信仰上座部佛教的情況及成就。現今尼泊爾的上座部佛教是1930年代由緬甸傳入的上座部佛教,不僅重視僧侶的苦修、歷史的佛陀,而且晚近以來對於個人化的禪修及兩性的平等更投以很多的關注,凡此和盛行於加德滿都鄉村重視傳統儀軌的密續佛教有著天壤之別。本書根據廣泛的田野調查、訪談記錄與歷史重建,以豐盈的資料,讓人們對於70年代來的尼泊爾佛教有了耳目一新的看法,而且也讓我們了解上座部佛教所產生的影響,以及其在尼泊爾的茁壯發展對於佛教本身、對於社會大眾、對於男女兩性等方面所帶來的意義。 |
ISBN | 9780749673673 |
Hits | 667 |
Created date | 2005.09.23 |
Modified date | 2018.03.13 |

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