《集南山禮讚》之研究=A Study of the Ji nanshan lizan |
Author |
汪娟 (撰)=Wang, chuan (compose)
Source |
佛學研究中心學報=Journal of the Center for Buddhist Studies
Volume | n.11 |
Date | 2006.06 |
Pages | 143 - 182 |
Publisher | 國立臺灣大學佛學研究中心=The Center for Buddhist Studies, National Taiwan University |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 作者單位:銘傳大學應用中文系 |
Keyword | 元照=Yuan-zhao; 智圓=Zhi-yuan; 仁岳=Ren-yue; 允堪=Yun-kan; 道宣=Dao-xuan; 忌齋=Sacrificial offering on the death anniversary; 齋忌禮懺文=Buddhist rituals for the death; 集南山禮讚序=Ji nanshan lizan xu; 南山祖師禮讚文=Nanshan zushi lizanwen; 宋代佛教=Sung Buddhism |
Abstract | 《集南山禮讚》乃是北宋.元照律師(? - 1116)所編的南山道宣律師的齋祭禮懺文集,可惜此一書名於各史傳、目錄中皆未曾登錄。事實上,元照於元符三年(1100)時,已將智圓(976 - 1022)、仁岳(? - 1077)、允堪(1005 - 1061)三人所撰同名之〈南山祖師禮讚文〉合為一集,重新修訂增補並於書前加上一篇〈集南山禮讚序〉,所收三篇禮讚文之後亦各附有簡短識語,說明修訂的情形或內容的考釋。由於宋代的齋忌禮懺文相當盛行,而齋忌禮懺文也可說是儒釋文化交融下的重要產物之一,可惜歷來乏人討論,因此不揣孤陋,從文獻學的角度出發,希望能對《集南山禮讚》及相關的歷史文化有進一步的認識,祈請諸位方家惠予指教。
Ji nanshan lizan is the compilation of Buddhist rituals for the death anniversary about Master Nanshan-Daoxuan compiled by Master Yuan-Zhao(?-1116)at Northern Sung Dynasty, unfortunately the title never founded in the historical biographies and bibliology. At the era of Yuan-fu(1100), Master Yuan-zhao has actually already compiled the homonymy articles of “Nanshan zushi lizanwen”which are edited by Zhi-yuan(976-1022), Ren-yue(?-1077), and Yun-kan(1005-1061), and there is the “Ji nanshan lizan xu”in front of Ji nanshan lizan, and there are concise words at the end of ritual script in three writings of “Nanshan zushi lizanwen” for accounting for whole status of amendment or the expurgating of its contents. In accordance with prevalence of Buddhist rituals for the death anniversary, and Buddhist rituals for the death anniversary could be one of the important creatures of the compound culture of Confucianism and Buddhism. Lack of discussion, hereupon depend on approaches of philology, expecting do more advanced awakening of Ji nanshan lizan with its concerned cultural background, wishing for available suggestions. |
Table of contents | 一、前言 147 二、《集南山禮讚》與齋忌禮懺文 148 三、《集南山禮讚》之原著者與纂集者 156 (一)《集南山禮讚》之原著者 156 1.關於智圓 156 2.關於仁岳 157 3.關於允堪 158 (二)《集南山禮讚》之纂集者 159 四、《集南山禮讚》的儀式結構 161 (一)齋讚文 162 (二)請聖 164 (三)禮讚 165 (四)五悔 166 五、《集南山禮讚》的內容考釋 167 (一)降生入道 168 (二)習律撰抄 169 (三)譯經修史 171 (四)感通幽顯 173 (五)築壇授戒 176 (六)報終化滿 178 六、結論 180 |
ISSN | 10271112 (P) |
Hits | 3495 |
Created date | 2006.12.11 |
Modified date | 2017.07.03 |

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