李二曲與顧寧人論證「體用」二字探析兼論其「體用全學」與惠能「定慧等學」之會通=Discussion of "Ti Yong" by Li Erqu and Gu Yanwu, and its Connection with Hui Neg's thought |
Author |
許鶴齡 =Hsu, Ho-ling
Source |
哲學論集=Fu Jen Philosophical Studies
Volume | n.36 |
Date | 2003.07 |
Pages | 197 - 262,282 - 284 |
Publisher | 輔仁大學哲學研究所 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺北縣, 臺灣 [Taipei hsien, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Keyword | 李二曲=Li Erqu; 體用=Comprehend the essence and put it into practice; 顧寧人=Gu Yanwu; 體用全學=The integration theory of knowledge and praxis; 惠能=Hui Neng; 定慧等學= |
Abstract | 本文欲探討李二曲1(1627~1705)的體用思想及其對儒釋道三家之學的看法,主要由下列兩個論題為思考基礎,首先是李二曲與顧寧人(1613~1682)三次書信往返,共計六封問答書函,透過書函內容的完整呈顯,檢視李二曲與顧寧人對「體用」範疇之相關論證過程,釐清「體用」二字的對舉以及來源等問題之相關真相。其次,藉由李二曲在回覆顧寧人書函中,肯認「體用」二字之使用,始於中國禪宗六祖惠能大師(638~713),並認為惠能在《六祖壇經》2,對於「體用」二字也多所闡衍,因此,欲透過與惠能「定慧等學」思想之對比,以明李二曲「體用全學」3是否在本體、工夫、體用、語言經典等面向,與惠能之思想主張暗合而有會通之處?
This article deals with Li Erqu's philosophy and his perspectives toward Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism. Based on Li's letters, the another tries to review the discussion between Li Erqu and Gu Yanwu. By doing so, we may clarify ”Ti Yong”. Also, Li Erqu indicated that ”Ti Yong” was originated by the sixth Chinese Zen Patriarch Hui Neng. Thus by comparing Li Erqu and Hui Neng's expression about ”Ti Yong”, we may achieved a comprehensive understanding of their thoughts on this topic. |
Table of contents | 一、與顧寧人論證「體用」二字 199 二、與慧能「定惠等學」思想之會通 220 (一)就本體而觀 1.「靈原」與「自性」237 2.「凡人」「聖人」與「眾生」「佛」239 3.「日光雲霧」與「雲霧蔽日」241 (二)就修養而觀 242 1.「頓漸相資」與「法無頓漸」242 2.「悔過自新」與「自性懺悔」243 3.「無念之念,乃為正念」與「無念」245 4.「靜坐為基,三炷為程,齋戒為功夫,虛明寂定為本面」與「自性之五分法身香」249 (三)就體用而觀 251 「明體適用」與「定惠不二」251 (四)就語言經典而觀 253 1.《六經》《四書》與「心轉《法華》」253 2.「叛經毀經」與「謗經」255 3.「慎言」與「不諍」256 4.「知行合一」與「口誦心行」257 5.「自證自得自成」與「自修」自悟自度 258 結語 259
ISSN | 19959176 (P) |
Hits | 379 |
Created date | 2007.06.14 |
Modified date | 2020.01.22 |
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