達倉熱巴作為朝聖者的非凡經歷=Stangtshangraspa's Extraordinary Experience as a Pilgrim |
Author |
史衛國, 彼德=Schwieger, Peter
蘇發祥=Su, Fa-xiang
Source |
西藏民族學院學報(哲學社會科學版)=Journal of Tibet Nationalities Institute(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
Volume | v.26 n.2 (總號=n.106) |
Date | 2005.03 |
Pages | 41 - 47, 107 |
Publisher | 西藏民族學院 |
Location | 咸陽, 中國 [Hsienyang, China] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 作者單位: 中央民族大學藏學研究院 |
Keyword | 達倉熱巴=Stangtshangraspa; 拉孜哇=Lha-rtse-ba; 朝聖=pilgrimage; 峨眉山=Emei Shan; 鄔底亞那=Uddiyana |
Abstract | 達倉熱巴,原名才旺倫竹,法名阿旺嘉措,是藏傳佛教後宏期與大譯師仁欽桑布齊名的著名僧人,一生曾五次到西藏及西藏以外的地方朝聖,後來做了拉達克國王的首席國師,是一位一生充滿傳奇色彩的歷史人物。國外一些著名藏學家很早就對達倉熱巴的生平,尤其是他做了拉達克國王的國師之後的事跡做了深入的研究。史衛國教授的這篇文章對他成為拉達克國師以前的歷史,進行了精心的梳理和研究,使達倉熱巴的形象更加具體化和形象化。
Stangtshangraspa, original name Tshe-dbang-lhun-grub, French name Ngag-dbang-rgya-mtsho, as famous as the translator Rin-chen-bzang-po, is the most popular Buddhist monk in the second dissemination of Buddhism in Tibet. He is a legendary figure in Tibetan history, because he went on a pilgrimage in Tibet and out of Tibet five times and took the chair of chief tutor of Ladakh king. Although some celebrated scholars in the west had studied the biography of this lama, this paper wrote by professor Peter Schwieger focused on Stangtshangraspa’s lifetime before he become tutor of Ladakh king.
Table of contents | 一、引言 41 二、家庭、出生、童年和青年 42 三、出家 43 四、首次旅行 45 五、第二次旅行 46 注釋及參考文獻 47 |
ISSN | 10038388 (P); 10038388 (E) |
Hits | 477 |
Created date | 2008.03.12 |
Modified date | 2019.12.30 |

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