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信息場的競存演化說=On the survival evolution of the information field |
Author |
王立文 =Wang, Lin-wen
Source |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science
Volume | v.3 n.1 |
Date | 2002.01.15 |
Pages | 14 - 17 |
Publisher | 圓覺文教基金會 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 元智大學機械工程學系, 中壢, 台灣=Department of Mechanical Engineering Yuan-Ze University, Chungli, Taiwan |
Keyword | 信息場=information field; 巨網站=macro website; 微網站=micro website; 競存演化=survival evolution |
Abstract | 李嗣涔教授在手指識字見異象的多次實驗中發現因功能人功力之差異,實驗的結果會有不同,他提出了功能人之「瀏覽器」有新舊版本之說. 本人以他的新解釋作為基礎,加上近兩年的觀察,世界上網路公司暴起暴落的現象,各微網站間有著強烈的競爭,得到一個啟示,故提出了一個假說--信息場的競存演化說.在本人的一篇著作--<從網路概念看精神宇宙的結構> 一文中,不難理解在信息場中可以存在許多不同的巨網站 (或說有許多不同的信息場),然而這些巨網站一旦生出來,並不見得就能永續存在,就像地球上的微網站一樣,它們會面臨相當嚴酷的考驗,適者才能生存; 若無法吸引或維持眾生上網,它們的存在便岌岌可危. 這方面有些類似於達爾文的進化論,所不同者,達爾文進化論談的是物種,本文所談的是信息場 (或巨網站),凡不合眾生天性或習性的巨網站就有可能消失於宇宙中.因各巨網站為自身存在的持續,須不斷創新,吸引或維持眾生不斷上網. 既然網站常有革新的需要,就不免造成「瀏覽器」有更新的需要. 功力深的人能察覺於此,故能使用「瀏覽器」之版本和巨網站作溝通. 由此思之,李教授之新實驗可以是信息場的競存演化說的一些支持證據,不過這假說要變成定論,還待未來更多的實驗才能確定.Prof,Si-Chen Lee,in his many experiments conducted on the paraphenomenon of the fingers' ability to detect and identify written text,discovered that the test results of finger recognition varied according to the ability of individual functioning subject. Based on that finding he presented the concept of "browser" of the functioning subject to explain his experimental results. Inspired by on Prof- Lee's interpretation,compounded with the phenomenal rise and fall of the dotcom companies at equally spectacular rate in the last two years, and the abrasive competition among struggling micro websites, I arrived at the hypothesis of "the survival theory on the evolution of the information field",From my previous publication on the information field "A possible structure of spiritual universe as viewed from the internet model",it is not difficult to realize that many macro websites (or many different information fields) can co-exist in the information field. However,the births of these macro websites do not guarantee that they can exist forever. Just like many micro websites on the earth, these macro websites shall encounter relentless hardship for their continued existence. Darwin's survival theory may apply here,too. The failure to attract visitors to and keep them in the cyberspace might result in the gradual diminution and even vanishing of the macro website- Therefore,those macro websites that do not conform to or comply with the nature or habitude of human beings shall diminish. The difference is that the survival theory of Darwin is dealing with the living creatures on the earth while the present article is talking about the information fields or macro websites-Since the survival of macro websites relics upon their continuous innovation to attract more visitors and keep them in,the constant needs for evolution inevitably result in their desperate hunt for newer,better and more versatile browsers. A few gifted people are able to communicate with the macro websites through updated browsers because they have profound insight into the evolution of the fields. Through such theoretical lineage,the new experiments of Prof. Lee can provide some credible evidences to the evolution theory of the information field. Nevertheless, the present hypothesis awaits further experimental supports. |
ISSN | 16072952 (P) |
Hits | 2117 |
Created date | 2008.12.08 |
Modified date | 2017.07.21 |
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