Fo Guang Humanistic Life Chan & Social Education: Based on Fu Shan Temple=佛光人間生活禪與社會教育 -- 以福山寺為例 |
Author |
鍾貴文 (著)=Chung, Kuei-wen (au.)
Date | 2008 |
Pages | 124 |
Publisher | 佛光大學-佛教學系 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 宜蘭縣, 臺灣 [I-lan hsien, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 英文=English |
Degree | master |
Institution | 佛光大學 |
Department | 佛教學系 |
Advisor | K. J.索羅寧 |
Publication year | 97 |
Keyword | Fo Guang Humanistic Life Chan=佛光人間生活禪; in-depth interview=深度訪談; Changhua Community University=彰化社區大學; Fu Shan Temple=福山寺; participant observation=參與觀察 |
Abstract | The study aims to explore the essence of Fo Guang Humanistic Life Chan and its significance to individuals and society. It used the in-depth interview and participant observation to obtain the requisite information through the fifteen semi-structured questions. Fifteen questions, which were categorized into three groups- the personal background, attitude to meditation practice and to Fo Guang Chan, and the influence of meditation practice to individuals and to family and suggestions after activities, were designed in advance. Twenty interviewees were generally divided into two groups. The first group included the vice abbess and interviewees of Fu Shan Temple. The second group consisted of practitioners who have participated the Fo Guang Shan (FGS) Three-Day or Seven-Day Meditation Retreat and a staff at FGS Meditation Center. Fu Shan Temple was chosen because it has been awarded several times by Changhua Education Bureau for its remarkable achievement on developing the community education. DV, tape recorder and notes taking were all used during the interview. The interviewees’ answers were copied down word by word and all information was coded paragraph by paragraph.Regarding to the results, it was found the essence of Fo Guang Humanistic Life Chan is Humanistic Buddhism and emphasized the application of its teachings to the daily life. The results also showed that Fo Guang Humanistic Life Chan provided the method of self-actualization, enhanced individuals’ abilities of temper control and facilitated the family harmony. Its significance to society relied on the enhancement of the harmonious relationship with people.With the propagation through modern telecommunication and social education, Fo Guang Chan, inheriting and following the patriarchs’ teachings, hands down the teachings of Chan School and spreads it all over the world in a life-related and easily accepted way.
本研究目的旨在探究禪光人間生活禪本質,及了解其對個人及社會的重要性。本研究採取深度訪談及參與觀察法進行研究,並藉由半結構式問題設計以獲得所需的資料。 十五題訪談問題於正式訪談前先行設計,題目主要分為三大類:一、 個人背景資料;二、對佛光禪的修持態度及理解度;三、禪修對個人、家庭的影響及建議。二十位受訪者主要概分為兩大群,一為福山寺當家及福山寺社區大學禪修班學員;二為佛光山禪堂執事及參加三日或七日禪禪修者。選擇福山寺作為研究對象原因在於福山寺的社區大學,已多次獲得彰化教育局評鑑教學成效甲等,並在今年獲得優等殊榮。訪談時所使用的工具計有:DV, 錄音機及訪談筆記。訪談內容皆逐字打出,並以段落方式,每段依序編碼。研究結果顯示,佛光人間生活禪以人間佛教為本質,強調將禪法修行落實於日常生活中。研究結果同時發現,佛光人間生活禪對個人的重要性在於能提供個體自我實現的方法、增加個體自我脾氣控制能力及增進家庭和諧,而其對社會的貢獻則在於增進人與人之間的和諧關係。如今,佛光人間生活禪,承繼及遵循高僧大德的禪法,透過現代電子傳媒及結合社會教育方式進行傳播,使得禪宗思想得以更生活化、普及化的方式繼續流傳於全世界。 |
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Statement of the Problem 1 Literature Review 4 Motivation 8 Purpose of the Study 9 Research Methods 9 In-Depth Interview 10 Participant Observation 11 Sampling 12 Instruments 13 Privacy and Confidentiality 14 Validity and Reliability 14 Researcher’s Character 15 Research Procedure 16 Unsolved Questions 17
CHAPTER 2 DHARMA LINEAGE OF FO-GUANG HUMANISTIC LIFE CHAN 18 Humanistic Buddhism in the Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch 20 Inseparability of Buddhism and Secular World 20 Purification of the Self-Nature 21 Meditation Practice 23 Equivalence of Pure Land and the Pure Mind 24 Life Teachings of Linji Yixuan 26 Fo Guang Humanistic Life Chan 34
CHAPTER 3 ACHIEVEMENTS OF FO GUANG HUMANISTIC LIFE CHAN IN SOCIAL EDUCATION AND THE PRACTICE METHOD 41 Definition of Social Education 41 Chan and Education 44 Institutes of Propagating Fo Guang Chan Through Social Education 49 Introduction of Changhua Community University and Fu Shan Temple 53 Practice Methods and Stages of Fo Guang Humanistic Life Chan 57
CHAPTER 4 RESEARCH ANALYSIS 64 Background of Interviewees 66 Meditation Practice and Problems 70 Realization and Attraction of Fo Guang Humanistic Life Chan 73 Meditation Influence and Suggestions 75 Conclusion 80
CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION 86 Significance of Fo Guang Humanistic Life Chan 86 The Significance of Fo Guang Chan To Individuals 87 The Significance of Fo Guang Chan To Society 88 Limitations and Solutions 93 Further Research 96
APPENDIX 107 Appendix A Interview Questions for the Vice Abbess of Fu Shan Temple 107 Appendix B Interview Questions for Practitioners 109 Appendix C Statistics on the Participant Amount of Community University, Changhua County 111 Appendix D FGS Meditation Center Activities: Statistics on the Participation Rate 113 Appendix E Consent Form 116 Appendix F FGS Meditation Center Activities 117 Appendix G Photos of FGS Meditation Center & 2nd World Buddhist Forum 118 Appendix H Photos of Fu Shan Temple 120 Appendix I Glossary of Chinese Characters 122 |
Hits | 706 |
Created date | 2009.11.24 |
Modified date | 2023.03.28 |

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