龍山童子寺遺址=Tongzi Temple of Longshan Mountain |
Author |
李裕群 (著)=Li, Yu-qun (au.)
閻躍進 (著)=Yan, Yue-jin (au.)
Source |
中國文化遺產=China Cultural Heritage
Volume | n.1 |
Date | 2008 |
Pages | 93 - 99 |
Publisher | 中國文化遺產研究院 |
Location | 北京, 中國 [Beijing, China] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Abstract | 童子寺是北齊,隋唐時期著名的佛教寺院,開鑿于北齊天保七年(556年).屬于石窟與寺院相結合的山地佛寺類型。入唐以后.又得到唐皇室的重視;金天輔元年(1117年)毀于兵火;明嘉靖元年(1522年)重建;清乾隆和嘉慶時曾做修葺.嘉慶以后這座千年古剎逐漸荒廢.并為灌木樹林所掩蓋。2002年以來.中國社科院考古研究所與山西省考古研究所、太原市文物考古研究所聯合組成考古隊.對童子寺佛寺遺址進行了4年的發掘.弄清了童子寺的形制與布局以及現存遺址的年代。迄今為止.國內尚未發掘過同類寺院遺址.尤其是大佛前的佛閣建筑還沒有發現過。遺址中還罕見地出土了兩種不同樣式的北齊佛.菩薩和力士像等。該寺院遺址的發掘對于研究這一時期寺院的形制布局以及佛教史都具有重要意義。
Tongzi Temple,a well-known Buddhist temple dating back to the Northern Qi and Sui and Tang dynasties,was initially built in 55,the 7th year under the reign of Emperor Tianbao in Northern Qi.As a combination of grotto and Buddhist temple,Tongzi Temple was valued a lot by imperial family of Tang Dynasty.Destroyed by war and fire in 1117 in Jin Dynasty and rebuilt in 1522 in Ming Dynasty,the temple underwent several repairs under the reign of Emperor Qianlong and Jiaqing in Qing Dynasty and was desolated and c... |
ISSN | 16727819 (P) |
Hits | 586 |
Created date | 2010.01.19 |
Modified date | 2025.01.02 |

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