注意力在認知歷程的作用:佛教與心理學的比較研究=The Functions of Attention in Cognitive Processes: A Comparative Study of Buddhism and Psychology |
Author |
關則富 (著)=Kuan, Tse-fu (au.)
Source |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science
Volume | v.11 n.1 |
Date | 2010.02.01 |
Pages | 38 - 48 |
Publisher | 圓覺文教基金會 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Keyword | 認知=cognition; 注意力=attention; 感覺=sensation; 知覺=perception; 作意=manasikāra; 心像=imagery |
Abstract | 類似西方心理學所描述的認知歷程也見於佛典中有關心理活動的敘述。這種歷程涉及訊息的處理。心理學討論的「注意力」(attention)是指,從大量訊息當中,主動處理其中的有限訊息的方法。「注意力」的涵義與佛教所談的「作意」(manasikara)大體相符。心理學家特別留心注意力的四種功能,其中的警戒和選擇性注意力可聯繫到作意在佛教禪修中所扮演的角色。進入相當深的禪定境界時會現起「相」(nimitta),「相」即成為注意力的焦點。佛教的「相」在很多方面近似於心理學所談的「心像」(imagery)。本文僅是一個初步的研究。對於這兩個學門的上述諸多相似點在多大的程度上可互相類比或等同仍值得進一步的探討。
Table of contents | 壹、前言 38 貳、認知歷程概述 38 參、 心理學的「注意力」與佛典的「作意」 39 肆、「注意力」在認知歷程的作用 40 五、結語 45 註釋 46 縮略語 46 參考文獻 46
Cognitive processes as described in psychology bear similarities to mental activities stated in Buddhist scriptures. The correspondence between the two can be summed up as follows: Buddhism: indriya + visaya → viññāna → phassa→saññā Psychology: sense organs + stimulus → sensation → perception Such processes involve information processing. In the field of psychology, 'attention' is regarded as the means by which we actively process alimited amount of information from the enormous amount of information available through our senses, our stored memories, and our other cognitive processes. Attention in this sense is largely coterminous wi th the idea of “manasikāra” in Buddhism. Among the four main functions of attention that psychologists are particularly interested in, selective attention and vigilance are closely related to the role manasikāra plays in Buddhist meditative practices. Certain types of mental image called nimitta may appear to those who enter deep meditative states, and nimitta becomes the focus of attention. Nimitta in Buddhism resembles what psychologists call “imagery” in many ways. This paper is a preliminary study. It deserves further investigation on the extent to which the above parallels in the two disciplines can be compared or identified. |
ISSN | 16072952 (P) |
Hits | 3101 |
Created date | 2010.04.10 |
Modified date | 2017.07.24 |

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