Author |
冉雲華 (著)=Jan, Yun-hua (au.)
Source |
中華佛學學報=Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal=Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies
Volume | n.7 |
Date | 1994.07 |
Pages | 97 - 120 |
Publisher | 中華佛學研究所=Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies |
Publisher Url |
Location | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese; 英文=English |
Keyword | 唐代; 禪宗=Zen Buddhism=Zazen Buddhism; 禪師; 見性; 頓悟; 漸修 |
Abstract | 此碑於民國34年,在西安市西郊出土,後藏於陝西省碑林博物館內. 碑由徐岱撰文,孫藏器書寫,建造於唐憲宗元和元年 (公元 806),不見於金石紀錄. 碑中的主人慧堅禪師 (719-792),亦不見於佛典或禪籍,此碑發現前,全無可考; 出土後,亦未受到治佛教學者所注意. 碑云慧堅禪師俗姓朱,陳州人,曾得神會大師 (684-758) 開示,後在汾州受戒,又住洛陽,曾歷安祿山之亂. 此後移住西安,歷受唐朝代宗,德宗兩朝恩寵,敕住招聖寺,參與宗教會議,討論佛法正邪,定南北禪宗,尊神會為禪宗七祖. 本文首先討論石碑的出土及收藏紀錄,撰人及書家的歷史地位與佛學知識. 其次根據碑中所記,研究慧堅生平,及其有關人物如李巨等. 論文第三部份,討論慧堅所傳的「荷澤」禪法,其中有禪宗七祖之爭,見性之義,頓悟漸修,生死自然,神通感應等. 第四部份,將碑文原文全文,依原來行數字數鈔出,為研究荷澤禪學提供新的資料. 此碑未出土前,神會一系禪法的資料,早者為神會錄,次者為宗密所著諸書,此碑所記恰是由神會晚年到宗密著書前的一段時間,因此對研究荷澤禪法的宗旨,及歷史發展,都非常珍貴.
This is a study and transcription of a pagoda-inscription in honour of a Ch'an master named Hui-jian (慧堅 719-792). The inscription was originally erected in the year of 806 A.D. but never referred in historical or Buddhist documents. The inscription was unearthed from modern Xi'an in 1945,and preserved at Beilin 碑林 Museum of Shaanxi Province, But never fully studied by scholars upto the publication of this study. According to this epigraphical text,the master of Ch'an was surnamed Zhu,a native of Chen-zhou. He has met the Great Master of Ch'an named Shen-hui (神會 684-758),the founder of Ho-Ze (荷澤) School of Ch'an Buddhism. He was ordaind a Fen-chuan,resided at Lo-yang and suffered when the city fell in the hands of An Lu- shan. Hui-jian later moved to Chang-an,the capital of Tang Empire,patronized by two Emperors, viz. Dai-zong and De-zong. He has discoursed the teachings of Ch'an Buddhism before the Emperor and the Princess, ordered to participate the conference deciding the correct doctrine of Buddhism and patriarchship of Ch'an Buddhist lineage. The study consists of five sections:(1) problems related to the inscription:the writer,the calligrapher,the discovery and preservation. (2) The time,life and associates related to Hui-jian. (3) The history and doctrines of Ho-Ze school of Ch'an Buddhism:shenhui as the seventh patriarch of Ch'an school,the meaning of seeing the Nature,the Sudden Enlightenment Followed by Gradual Cultivation, meditation and supernatural powers, on life and death etc. (4) Transcription of the epigraphical text. (5) Conclusion. In the past,the study of Ho-ze school of Ch'an Buddhism regard Shen-hui's _Records as the most dependable sources; whileas thewriting of Zong-mi (宗密,780-841) as the important secondary records. However,there are differences between the records and the secondary. It is in this context,that the information recorded in the inscription in very valuable for the study as it stands between Shen-hui and Zong-mi. |
Table of contents | 一、資料的發現及問題 98 二、慧堅禪師事蹟 102 三、荷澤禪的宗旨與歷史問題 109 |
ISSN | 10177132 (P) |
Hits | 1858 |
Created date | 1998.07.22
Modified date | 2019.11.05 |

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