Author |
Source |
華岡佛學學報=Hwakang Buddhist Journal
Volume | n.7 |
Date | 1984.09 |
Pages | 199 - 216 |
Publisher | 中華學術院佛學研究所 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 作者為文化大學經濟系主任 |
Keyword | 禪畫; 禪宗=Zen Buddhism=Zazen Buddhism; 佛教藝術=Buddhist Art |
Abstract | 明心瞑想是印度人對人生的思量. 見性尊生是中國人對生命的虔敬. 禪宗主張明心見性,是中印文化孕育出來的奇葩. 事實上,禪宗是中國式的佛教宗派,其禪理直接了當,道在平常. 悟道者體會到天地同根,萬物一體,體用一原,顯微無間,過著自由自在的洒脫生活,日日是好日. 但在那萬里長空,如何假一朝風月,指出真如本性,而有形形色色的教育方法,亦展示出千變萬化的方便法門. 後世好事者, 就其顯示過的方法與法門加以研究,而有禪詩,禪畫,禪寺庭園,禪的管理,茶藝等等論著問世,琳琅滿目,不勝枚舉. 本文將就禪畫的研究作一回顧,分別介紹: 1. 禪畫的緣起, 2. 禪畫的發展, 3. 禪畫研究的近況, 4. 結語 禪畫是修禪者,用筆墨表達禪理的繪畫. 禪畫貴乎創造,推陳出新,生生不息,不落第二義諦. 後世的文人畫,水墨畫,寫意畫,乃至抽象畫等雖受禪畫的影響,提升了意境,但已非禪畫的本質. 盼時下能引發潛德幽光,薪傳智慧的火炬,重新創造出絢麗燦爛的現代禪畫,活活潑潑地透過繪畫藝術,直指明心見性的禪理.
Ch'an buddhism is a blossoming from Sino-Indian cultural intercourse,which has turned into a Sinicized Buddhist school with emphasis on the spontaneous realization of truth in everyday life. An enlightened man sees the essential unity of all things in the universe and lives a life of perfect freedom. From this spontaneous realization of truth and spirit of perfect freedom are evolved an unlimited variety of teaching methods to show one's self-nature. The Ch'an spirit is also demonstrated in poetry,paintings, gardening,tea-making,and other fields, and innumerable books have been written on these. This paper is a look back on the study of Ch'an paintings, divided into four parts: 1. the origins of Ch'an paintings, 2. the development of Ch'an paintings, 3. the recent condition of the study of Ch'an paintings, and 4. conclusion.
Ch'an painting used to be a kind of art in which a Ch'an practicer expressed the realized truth with brush and ink. It emphasized creativeness, incessant renovation,and unworldliness. Although the literary man's paintings, water-ink paintings, and abstract paintings of later periods raised their spiritual levels of expression through the influence of Ch'an, they were not genuine Ch'an paintings. The author hopes that modern painters may rediscover the hidden light of wisdom and recreate the splendor of Ch'an paintings. |
Table of contents | 一、前言 201 二、禪畫的緣起 202 三、禪畫的發展 205 四、禪畫研究的近況 210 1. 現代我國的禪畫研究 210 2. 現代日本的禪畫研究(包括西洋部份) 211 五、結語 214
Categories | 繪畫 |
Dynasty | 中國-無 |
Regions | 中國 |
Hits | 1414 |
Created date | 1998.07.22
Modified date | 2017.08.23 |

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