Author |
吳汝鈞 (著)
Source |
國際佛學研究=The Annual of International Buddhistic Studies
Volume | n.2 |
Date | 1992.12 |
Pages | 201 - 244 |
Publisher | 靈鷲山般若文教基金會國際佛學研究中心 |
Location | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Keyword | 游戲三昧; 禪; 佛教美學; 無相的自我; 禪畫; 久松真一 |
Abstract | 禪的本質在那充滿動進性的無住心. 這無住心以不住著 也不捨棄的態度,對世界起種種妙用,轉化眾生. 它的表現 ,可以"游戲三昧"來概括. 三昧是禪定工夫,目的是要驅除 妄念,淨化意志,以達於覺悟,這是無住心的實踐. 游戲則 是無住心在三眛的實踐中所積聚得的功德為本,在世間生起 大機大用,自在地拈弄種種方便法門,以點化眾生,使轉迷 成覺. 其機用的表現,了無滯礙,揮灑自如,倣如游戲,眾 生皆能一一成悟. 這是無住心的終極關懷. 本文主是以游 戲三昧為經,取禪畫為緯,以說禪的美學情調. 筆者把游戲 三昧分開成三昧與游戲,以三昧為展示禪的靜態的美,這主 要表現於山水畫中,以游戲為為展示禪的動感的美,這主 要表現於人物畫之人. 這靜態的美形動感的美亦不能截就分 開,二者合起來成就禪的整全的美. 就禪來說,最高境界是 動靜一如的.
The essence of Zen lies in a non-abiding mind that is full of dynamism. This non-abiding mind, with its non-attaching and non-forsaking attitude toward the empirical world,can initiate various actions in order to cultivate and transform sentient beings. Its activities can be summed up by the expression "playing from the `samadhi` ". " `Samadhi` "denotes the meditation flourishing in Zen Buddhism. Its purpose is to purify the will and eradicate delusire desires, with eulightenment as the final objective. `Samadhi` is practised by the non-abiding mind. With the merits accumulated in the practice of `samadhi`,the non-abiding mind acts vigorously and freely,utilizing various expedient devices to teach sentient beings and enable them to attain enlightenment. In view of the fact that the non-abiding mind acts and functions freely. Without obstructions whatsoever,it can be analogised to the children playing games. Hence the term "playing" for such acts and functions.
The aim of the present work is to study the aesthetics of Zen through Zen paintings. The study is undertaken in terms of the expression "playing from the `samadhi`." This expression can be divided into "playing" and "`samadhi`." The author is in the opinion that "`samadhi` "represents the static aspect of Zen aesthetics, which is best expressed in landscape Zen paintings. On the other hand, "playing" represents the dynamic aspect of Zen aesthetics, which is mainly demonstrated in portrait Zen paintings. Nevertheless, the two kinds of beauty,namely,static beauty and dynamic beauty, cannot be separated from each other in an absolute sense. Rather,they complement each other and should be combined together to form a supreme taste of harmony. |
Hits | 736 |
Created date | 1998.07.22
Modified date | 2023.11.14 |
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