大藏經入門=An Introduction to the Buddhist Canon |
Author |
Giebel, Rolf W.
釋願炯=Shih, Yuan-chiung
釋印海=Shih, Yin-hai
Date | 2003 |
Pages | 309 |
Publisher | 嚴寬祜文教基金會 |
Location | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
Series | 法印集 |
Series No. | 8 |
Content type | 工具書=Reference Book |
Language | 中文=Chinese; 英文=English |
Note | 內為139筆書目簡介 |
Keyword | 釋印海; Shih, Yin-hai; 釋願炯; Shih, Yuan-chiung; Giebel, R. W.; The Buddhist Promoting Foundation; 佛教傳道協會 |
Abstract | 前言 佛教傳道協會乃世界性不分宗派之財團法人組織. 其目的在弘揚佛法,並舉行各種傳道活動,包括「佛教聖典」之撰寫,製作及流布. 於各種弘法活動中,一個新計劃是將漢譯大藏經全部翻譯成英文. 為此,籌備委員會已於一九八二年四月成立,以作初步之統籌. 於一九八三年編輯委員會亦跟著成立,而翻譯之工作則進行得如火如荼. 翻譯與印刷大藏經,要於短期內完成實在是極艱鉅之事; 故決定先選譯一百三十九個書目,為第一期出版一百集之目標,其中包括印度,中國及日本之資料,將於公元二千年面世. 本書之目的為所選之一百三十九個書目,每篇作一簡介,位是讀者明瞭所選各經之本意.
Preface The Buddhist Promoting Foundation is a non-sectarian foundation devoted to the dissemination of the Buddhist teachings throughout the world,and to this end it has been carrying out various missionary activities, including the compilation and distribution of The Teaching of Buddha. As part of these activities, it has been decided to undertake a new project -- that of a complete English translation of the Taisho Tripitaka, the Chinese Buddhist Canon. Accordingly,a Preparatory Committee was set up in April 1982,in order to make the necessary preliminary arrangements. This was followed in 1983 by the formation of an Editorial Committee,and the project finally got under way in earnest. It goes without saying that the task of translating and publishing the Tripitaka in English within a short span of time is no easy matter. Therefore,it was decided to select 139 Buddhist texts composed in India, China and Japan to form the First Series in 100 Volumes, to be translated and published by the end of A.D. 2000. The purpose of the present volume is to provide brief explanatory comments on the contents of the 139 texts that were chosen,and it is hoped to thus facilitate the reader's appreciation of just why these have been selected for the First Series. It is our fervent wish that this great undertaking does not finish with just the First Series, but that it continue to the very end and be brought to completion at the earliest possible date. Finally, I wish to express my thanks to R. W. Giebel for having undertaken the English translation. |
Table of contents | 印度撰述部 1 中國撰述部 149 日本撰述部 221 付錄 291 大藏經之成立 292 漢字索引 302 梵文巴利文索引 305 日本文索引 307
Indian Works 1 Chinese Works 149 Japanese Works 221 Appendices 291 The Buddhist Canon 293 Index of Chinese Titles 302 Index of Sanskrit and Pali Titles 305 Index of Japanese Titles 307 |
ISBN | 9867512022 |
Hits | 605 |
Created date | 2001.09.26 |
Modified date | 2014.06.23 |
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