永明延壽禪師? 淨土宗師? 永明延壽作品中的--菩薩行和淨土行=Mistaken Images:The Search for Yung-ming Yen-shou's Buddhist Identity |
Author |
魏雅博 (著)=Welter, Albert (au.)
Source |
中華國際佛學會議實錄(第3屆):人間淨土與現代社會: = The Record of Chung-Hwa International Conference on Buddhism(3rd): The "Earthly" Pure Land and Contemporary Society
Date | 1998.02 |
Pages | 126 |
Publisher | 法鼓文化出版社=Dharma Drum Culture |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 會議論文=Proceeding Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 中英文提要; 中文論文提要:頁126. 英文論文提要:p.178. |
Keyword | 菩薩行; 淨土行; 興福; 禪師; 淨土祖師; 魏雅博; Welter, Albert; Bodhisattva Practice; Pure land Practice; Promoter of Blessings (hsing-fu); Ch'an Master; Pure Land Master |
Abstract | 永名延壽(904-975)的佛教身分,一直是眾論紛云. 同時代的傳記作家把延壽歸類為「興福」(贊寧《宋高僧傳》),或禪宗法眼宗第三祖(道源《景德傳燈錄》).
延壽歿後二百年頃,淨土人士開始依據淨土信徒的發願,重新塑造延壽的形象. (王日休《龍舒淨土文》及宗曉《樂邦文類》)本文認為把延壽的身分定位為禪師或淨土祖師都有問題,除非能從延壽本人的身分得到佐證.
The Buddhist identity of Yung-ming Yen-shou(904-975) has long been problematic. Contemporary biographers categorized Yen-shou as either a "promoter of blessings" (hsing-fu) (Tsan-ning,Sung kao-seng chuan),or as third patriarch in the Fa-yen branch of the Ch'an lineage (Tao-yuan,Ching-te ch'uan-teng lu). Nearly two hundred years after Yen-shou's death, Pure Land partisans began reshaping Yen-shou's image according to the aspirations of Pure Land devotees (Wang Jih-chiu,Lung-shu ching-t'u wen; and Tsung-hsiao,Lo-pang wen-lei). The present paper argues that Yen-shou's identity as either a Ch'an or Pure Land master are both problematic,unless understood in the context of Yen-shou's own thought. The study focuses particularly on Yen-shou's characterization as a Pure Land master. An investigation of Yen-shou's own writings, particularly the Wan-shan t'ung-kuei chi (Treatise on the Common End of Myriad Good Deeds) and the Ju p'u-sa chieh-fa ping-hsu (Preface to the Teaching on Induction into the Bodhisattva Precepts),suggests that Yen-shou's promotion of pure land practices needs to be understood in a broader context. The paper argues for a more comprehensive understanding of Yen-shou's thought according to the context in which he lived and the broad based Buddhist practice (bodhisattva practice) that he advocated. |
ISBN | 9578473567 |
Hits | 671 |
Created date | 2000.12.05
Modified date | 2016.09.20 |

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