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The Cult of "the Manjusri of a Thousand Arms and a Thousand Bowls"(千臂千缽曼殊室利)in T'ang Dynasty Buddhism=唐朝佛教中的千臂千缽曼殊室利信仰
Author Gimello, Robert M. (箋)=詹密羅
Source 中華國際佛學會議實錄(第3屆):人間淨土與現代社會: = The Record of Chung-Hwa International Conference on Buddhism(3rd): The "Earthly" Pure Land and Contemporary Society
Pages154 - 155
Publisher法鼓文化出版社=Dharma Drum Culture
Publisher Url
Location臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan]
Content type會議論文=Proceeding Article
Language中文=Chinese; 英文=English
Note中英文提要; 中文論文提要:頁86.
Keyword文殊菩薩=Manjusri; Hua-yen; Mi-chiao; Vajrabodhi; Amoghavajra; Hyech'o; Gimello, Robert M.; 詹密羅; 文殊師利; 華嚴; 密教; 金剛智; 不空金鋼; 慧超
AbstractIn the last quarter of the eighth century there appeared in northern Chinese esoteric Buddhist circles a text entitled Ta-sheng yu-ch'ieh chin-kang man-shi-shih-li ch'ien-pi ch'ien-po ta-chiao-wang ching 大乘瑜珈經剛性海曼殊次利千臂千缽大教王經 (The Scripture of the King of the Great Teaching,Manjusri of the Thousand Bowls, Ocean of the Adamantine Nature of Manjusri Yoga-Taisho daizokyo 大正大藏經 #1177a). According to its long and detailed preface,this work was a Chinese rendering of a Sanskrit tantra that had been brought to China by the missionary Vajrabodhi (Chin-kang-chih 金剛智,d.741). It is said to have been translated by the great Chen-yen 真言 prelate Amoghavajra (Pu-k'ung-chin-kang 不空金剛,705-774) and his Korean associate Hyech'o 慧超 (704?-787). In actuality,however,it is a Chinese apochryphon of mysterious provenance that combines in novel ways the imagery and liturgy of early Indian Tantric Buddhism with doctrinal themes drawn from the Chinese Hua-yen 華嚴 (Flower Garland) tradition. The protagonist of the text is the great bodhisattva Manjusri (Wen-shu 文殊),but that famous deity appears here in form that is elsewhere quite unknown. He is depicted,after the fashion of a famous image of Avalokitesvara (Kuan-yin 觀音),with one thousand arms. In each of his thousand hands he holds a begging bowl,and in each bowl there appears a Buddha. The cult of this particular version of Manjusri,virtually unknown elsewhere in East Asia, seems to have flourished in northern China in late T'ang 唐,Five Dynasties 五朝,Hsi-hsia 西夏,and N. Sung 北宋 periods, particularly in the regions of Wu-t'ai Shan 五臺山 and Tun-huang 敦煌.

This paper will be an analysis of this unique from of Manjusri,illustrated with photographs (slides) of pictorial representations of him found among the Tun-huang murals and sculptural representations preserved in temples at Wu-t'ai-shan and T'ai-yyan. It will also pay particular attention to the "humanizing" function of Esoteric Buddhism (Mi-chiao 密教) -- i.e.,to the ways in which esoteric practice and imagery serve to render the abstractions of Hua-yen thought more experientially apprehensible and thus also more practicable "in this world."

在第八世紀的最後二十五年間,華北密教界出現一部《大乘瑜伽今剛性海曼殊室利千臂千缽大教王經》(大正大藏經#1177a). 根據它詳細的長序所述,這部經的梵文本密續,由金剛智(741歿)帶至中國,真言教上師不空金剛(705-774)和他的朝鮮助手慧超(704?-787)議成中文.

但實際上這是依不出處不明的中國偽經,巧妙地融合了早期印度密教的想像和禮拜及集中國華嚴宗的教義. 經中的主角是文殊菩薩,但這位著名的大菩薩卻以別處所沒的形象出現. 他被模仿成觀音像,具千臂,每之臂握著缽,每個缽中有一尊佛. 這個造型特殊的文殊信仰,並未見於東亞的其他地區,盛行於晚唐,五代,西夏和北宋的華北地區,尤其是五臺山和敦煌一帶.

本文將利用敦煌壁畫,五臺山和太原地區寺廟雕像的幻燈片來說明文殊的特殊造型. 同時,本文將特別討論密教的「人間」功能:以密教的修持和想像來詮釋華嚴的抽象觀念,使之具體化,故在現世裡能具體的了之及修行.
Created date2000.12.05
Modified date2015.08.11

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