再論宋代寺院的轉輪藏=The "Revolving-Wheel-Sutras" in the Buddhist Monasteries in Sung China: A Re-Examination |
Author |
黃敏枝 (著)=Huang, Min-chin (au.)
Date | 1997 |
Pages | 104 |
Publisher | 行政院國家科學委員會 |
Location | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 其他=Others |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 研究期間:民國85年08月 ~ 86年07月,執行機構:清華大學歷史研究所,計畫編號:NSC86-2411-H007-007 |
Keyword | 轉輪藏=Revolving-wheel-sutras; 寺院=Monastery; 宋代=Sung Dynasty |
Abstract | 宋代寺院的轉輪藏是將佛教經律論庋藏於可以轉動的八面立體輪軸上,用人推動一匝,有如將佛經上的經文唸誦或抄寫過一樣。佛寺為信徒提供這樣便捷迅速的服務,是要收取相當的金錢,故轉輪藏成寺院經濟中的重要一環,為寺院提供僧眾粥食之費,比起一年只能收入二次的寺田,更要實在。當然轉輪藏的建造所費不貲,除藏殿、房廊外,還有藏軸、承軸的壽山福海,輪藏本身還要雕飾美輪美奐,媲美天宮樓閣,並以百寶裝飾,甚或有香煙,音效以助耳目之眩,用以吸引信徒前來轉動輪藏。輪藏上有藏神護衛,其中以三教合一形象出現的,彌勒佛化身傅大士為最重要。宋代以禪院設置最多,律院,教院則較少。除佛寺有輪藏外,道觀也有輪藏,其設置目的和佛寺並無軒輊。佛寺的輪藏以兩浙路最多,其次如福建路等也不少,這和地區富庶有關,也與當地佛教較發達有密切關連。宋代轉輪藏實物尚有保存下來,設置輪藏的風氣,也沿襲至元、明、清。同時,道觀也仿寺院設置輪藏,其功能和目的與佛教輪藏實無軒輊。日、韓寺院受中國影響也有輪藏。
The so-called "chuan-lun-tsang", literally "revolving-wheel- sutras", refers to a mechanical device, which consists mainly of two parts: revolvable wheels and Buddhist sutras. The sutra is arranged layer upon layer. The volumes of Buddhist sutras are put on each layer. You turn the wheels and the wheels spin round. You will be charged for a certain amount of money for doing so. You will be, however, regarded as a good man or a believing woman who had just in a few minutes recited or copied all the scriptures on the book stack like wheels. An absolutely symbolical deed. Many a monastery in Sung times had such a device erected inside a splendid building built exclusively for this purpose. Questions arise. What for was such a pavilion built by a monastery? How was it constructed? When and Where did it first appear in Chinese history? How many monasteries possessed such pavilions? Where were they? Which sect(s) did these monasteries belong to? How economically and financially important was such a pavilion to a monastery? How did such an institution develop after Sung period? And so on. |
Hits | 854 |
Created date | 2000.12.08
Modified date | 2020.11.16 |

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