高僧傳 十四卷=Ko-so-den. 14 Fascicles=Kao-seng-ch'uan |
Author |
釋慧皎 (著)=Shih, Hui-chiao (au.)
Date | 2003 |
Pages | 202 - 203 |
Publisher | 嚴寬祜文教基金會 |
Location | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 工具書=Reference Book |
Language | 中文=Chinese; 英文=English |
Note | 出自:大藏經入門;為單篇書目簡介。(大正大藏經;2059) |
Keyword | 慧皎; Eko; Hui-chiao |
Abstract | 本傳應稱為《梁高僧傳》,佛教傳來中國從後漢永平十年至梁代天監十八年 (公元六十七年至五一九年),於此四百五十三年間,精選出二百五十七位高僧之事蹟記錄下來,並附錄有二百四十三位高僧傳記之略傳。
This "Biographies of Eminent Monks, " also known as "The Liang Biographies of Eminent Monks, " records the biographies of a selection of eminent Chinese monks who lived during the period of 453 years from A.D. 67,when Buddhism is said to have been first introduced into China, to A.D. 519. It contains the full biographies of 257 monks as well as short sketches of the lives of an additional 243 monks. Works devoted to the biographies of monks of high moral virtue are generally known as "Biographies of Eminent Monks, " and the present work is the oldest work of this genre. It is divided into 10 sections, in accordance with the varying achievements of the monks whose biographies it records. |
Hits | 483 |
Created date | 2001.10.23
Modified date | 2022.10.20 |

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