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Buddhist Self or No Self, Kant's Thing-in-itself and the Quantum Mechanical Wave Function=佛家的有我或無我, 康德的物自體, 與量子力學的波函數 |
Author |
Wang, George S. =王智益
Wang, Hui-chin
Source |
Hsi Lai Journal of Humanistic Buddhism=西來人間佛教學報
Volume | v.3 |
Date | 2002 |
Pages | 352 - 368 |
Publisher | International Academy of Buddhism, University of the West |
Publisher Url |
Location | Rosemead, CA, US [柔似蜜, 加利福尼亞州, 美國] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 英文=English |
Note | With abstracts in English and Chinese
Keyword | No Self; Kant; Thing-in-itself; Quantum Mechanical Wave Function; Surangama Sutra; 無我; 康德; 物自體; 量子力學; 涅盤經 |
Abstract | The aim of this writing is lo fully discuss and thereby to resolve the issue over Self or Non-self in Buddhism. Our result is confirmation of the existence of the true or holistic self. We star consideration with a verse uttered by an ancient monk,who had the concept of no Master. Ego. Self or Personality and therefore felt easy to face the execution. However,careful study after our full discussion reveals that he still had underlying Master or true Self that possessed the concept of no Master,Self or Personality. For the non-self part. the 2nd of the three proofs of Buddhist Theravada doctrine as well as the Theravada "Dhammapada Sutra" certainly holds non-self. Besides, most contemporary Mahayana and Theravada Buddhists and scholars claim non-self or non-personality. The popular hook "What the Buddha taught?” explicitly says "No Self,No Soul". In fact practical searching for self,both physically and mentally,can not directly find out the self. Statement for self is mainly from the Nirvana Sutra, which claims the four virtues including the transcendental Personality or the true self,or more formally the holistic self. Explanation for the Self or Non-self issue is traditionally given in the Surangama Sutra via Ananda's searching for self and the story of an old king. The former demonstrated that no self can be found in phenomenal world or realm. The latter showed via Buddha's answer lo the king that the true self always exists and functions there in the transcendental or noumenal realm. Thus the issue is resolved:Non-self should mean "Self not findable in phenomenal realm” and the true self always exists there in a hidden way in the transcendental realm. To make the fact "existing but not findable" easily understandable we give a metaphorical illustration of √2. which exists between 1.414 and 1.415 but not findable in the decimal fractional system or realm. Philosophically the feature "existing hut not findable" appears in the form of Kant's Thing-in-itself. which is proposed as equivalent to the Buddhist Self. And scientifically the feature "existing but not findable " appears in the form of the Quantum Mechanical Wave Function,whose complex-number property makes it not findable. the Thing-in-itself and the Buddhist Self are essentially equivalent to one another. The true or holistic self is analogized to the root of a tree. which is not findable in the air phase (the phenomenal realm) but exists in the soil phase (the noumenal realm) and functions lo support the life of the stem,branches, etc. (the ego,etc.) of the tree. 本文主旨在充分討論及釐清佛教的有我或無我的爭議問題. 我們的結論是確認真我或全我的存在. 本文首先引述中國古代名僧"僧肇法師"在臨刑被處斬前的詩. 詩中「四大元無主」的「無我」理念使他能從容就義. 然而仔細審視之下會發現,他仍有潛在的「我」存在,那就是他持有無我理念的持有者. 關於無我的部份,小乘佛教三法印的的第二法印「諸法無我」及小乘佛教的「法句經」都主張「無我」. 不單如此,大多數現代大乘及小乘佛教徒與佛學學者也都主張「無我」. 著名的佛書「佛陀的啟示」明白地寫出「無我,無靈魂」等等. 實際上如果您去尋找自我,不論您從身或從心方面去尋找,的確都是找不到的. 關於有我的部份主是源自於大乘佛教的「涅繫經」,即所謂「常,樂,我,淨」的涅樂四德. 其中的「我」是具超越性的我,也是具「實相」的「真我」,或更為正式地說,是具同体性或全体性的「全我」. 傳統式解釋有我或無我基本問題的經典應是「楞嚴經」. 該經闡述"阿難尊者"尋找自我,及"波斯匿王"的故事. 阿難尊者的「七處徵心」顯示出在有生有滅的現象世界或因緣所生法的範疇裡,怎樣找也找不到自我. 在波斯匿王的故事中,佛陀指出「十番顯見」的「顯見不滅」,顯示出真我或全我是在不生不滅的本体的範疇裡存在著,且永恆地在發生其「能看」等功能. 由此,我們認為,「無我」並非真的沒「我」的存在,而是指在現象世界範疇內不能找到個別性的「自我」. 相對地,這「自我」是潛在地存在著,是從本体境界的「全我」延續到現象世界範疇來的存在,也是「全我」在現象世界所展現出的效應,功能或作用. 更具体地說,我們以為,「自我」應是唯識學派的阿賴耶識,是潛在地存在著,但不能被找到的. 在本体境界的範疇裡,「全我」即是明顯存在著的不二境界. 這種「存在但不能被找到」的事實我們可以用一個比喻來作說明. 比如√(2)=1.4142...,是個沒盡頭的無理數,它存在有理數的小數1.414與1.415間但在有理數的小數或分數範疇內卻是不能被找到. 在哲學上看,這種「存在但不能被找到」的特質是"康德"的物自体所具的. 我們以為一個生命個体的物自体,是相當於這個個体從本体境界的全我延續到現象世界範疇內時所存在的自我,是存在的. 但不可知的,這正如康德所說. 在科學上看,這種「存在但不能被找到」的特質,是量子力學的波函數Ψ所具的. 我們以為一個生命個体的波函數,是相當於這個個体從本体境界的全我延續到現象世界範疇內所存在的自我,是存在而不可被找到的,但強力的量子力學硬是把波函數Ψ找了出來,呈現為一種數學的複數函數. 即使如此,Ψ仍是不可能觀測到,因複數函數本身是不可能在現象世界裡被觀測到的. 因此,波函數,物自体與來自全我的自我是彼此相當的. 全我或真我可以譬喻為一棵樹的根,在空氣範疇(譬喻為現象界)內是找不到根的,但根確實存在泥土範疇(譬喻為本体境界)內,且根是本源,一直在支持著樹幹枝葉等的生存與發展. |
ISSN | 15304108 (P) |
Hits | 1059 |
Created date | 2003.06.16
Modified date | 2018.09.17 |
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