齋明寺舊藏捲軸佛畫 -- 以三寶佛畫為例=Old Buddhist Scroll Paintings at Zhaiming Temple: The Case of the "Three Buddhas" |
Author |
陳清香 (著)=Chen, Ching-hsiang (au.)
Source |
中華佛學學報=Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal=Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies
Volume | n.16 |
Date | 2003.09 |
Pages | 325 - 346 |
Publisher | 中華佛學研究所=Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies |
Publisher Url |
Location | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese; 英文=English |
Note | 作者為文化大學史學系教授= Professor, Dept. of History, Chinese Culture University |
Keyword | 齋明寺=Zhaiming Temple; 佛教美術=Buddhist fine art; 佛教繪畫=Buddhist paintings; 台灣早期繪畫=paintings of early Taiwan; 台灣佛教=Taiwan Buddhism |
Abstract | 桃園大溪齋明寺於清道光年間,至今已有一百六十年歷史,是內政部指定的三級古蹟. 早期傳承法脈迭經更遞,但以受齋教龍華派,及鼓山湧泉寺法脈影響最大. 寺內保存書畫文物頗為豐富,尤其掛軸佛畫更是完整,考其製作期間,約以日治時代為多. 處在台灣早期佛畫蹟,佛畫史料幾乎是一片空白的今日,此批掛軸佛畫實彌足珍貴. 本文以掛軸佛畫中三寶佛畫為例,敘述畫中內容,考證三寶佛名稱及供奉的源流,對可能畫人加以考察並比對繪畫風格造形,最後並試探此佛畫在龍華齋教的科儀與鼓山禪法的行香功能.
Zhaiming Temple,located in Daxi,Taoyuan County,Taiwan was founded during the reign of Emperor Daoguang of the Qing Dynasty. It has a history of 160 years, and has been designated a Class Three historical site by the Ministry of the Interior. The temple's early lineage shifted several times and is not complete,but the greatest influence came from the Longhua School of the Zhai jiao tradition and the Buddhist lineage of Yongquan Temple at Gushan. It has very rich collection of calligraphy and paintings. In particular,it has an extensive collection of Buddhist scroll paintings which were mainly produced during the period of Japanese rule. These paintings are indeed quite valuable today,as materials regarding the early history of Buddhist paintings in Taiwan are rare. Taking the scroll painting of the Three Buddhas as an example,this paper describes its content,determines the names of the Three Buddhas, the origins of worship,possible painter,style,and function in the rituals of Longhua Zhai jiao and the meditation practice in the Gushan Temple lineage.
Table of contents | 一、前言 326 二、掛軸佛畫的題材內容與畫風大要 326 三、掛軸佛畫的捐獻人與製作年代考 328 四、供奉三寶佛的源流 330 五、三寶佛畫風分析 333 六、三寶佛畫人試探 336 七、結語 339
ISSN | 10177132 (P) |
Dynasty | 民國 |
Regions | 台灣(桃園大溪齋明寺) |
Hits | 1724 |
Created date | 2003.09.08
Modified date | 2018.02.27 |

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