《現觀莊嚴論》綱要書 -- 《八事七十義》之譯注研究=An Annotated Translation of Eight Topics and their Seventy Subtopics: An Outline of the Abhisamayalamkara |
Author |
凌格西 (著)=dGe bshes Zangs gling (au.)
廖本聖 (著)=Liao, Ben-sheng (au.)
Source |
中華佛學學報=Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal=Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies
Volume | n.16 |
Date | 2003.09 |
Pages | 347 - 399 |
Publisher | 中華佛學研究所=Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies |
Publisher Url |
Location | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese; 英文=English |
Note | 作者廖本聖為中華佛學研究所助理研究員,顙凌格西為中華佛學研究所兼任研究助理 |
Keyword | 現觀莊嚴論=The Ornament for Clear Knowledge; 八事七十義=The Eight Topics and Their Seventy Subtopics; 三智=Three wisdoms; 四加行=Four practices; 法身=dharma-kaya; 至尊‧法幢=rJe btsun Chos kyi rgyal mtshan |
Abstract | 《般若波羅蜜多經》包含[深觀] (甚深的空性見解) 及[廣行] (廣大的修道次第). 其中,闡釋《般若經》之甚深空性見解的代表作,是龍樹菩薩的《中論》; 闡釋《般若經》之廣大修道次第的代表作,則是彌勒菩薩的《現觀莊嚴論》的綱要書; 它將《現觀莊嚴論》中的八個主題(三智,四加行,法身)及其支分義,配合根本頌,透過定義,分類,界限等方式,清楚扼要的勾勒出《般若波羅蜜多經》中的廣大修道次第,讓有志於修學大乘佛法的行者有所依. 在西藏格魯派中,題名為[八事七十義]的著作不只一部,本文所要處理的是至尊,法幢所著的《至尊.法幢的無垢口傳:抉擇[現觀莊嚴論]的主題—八事七十義—的妙法》,而這部論也是格魯派三大寺中的色拉寺伽僧院及甘丹寺強孜僧院這二個僧院所共同使用的教科書,因此其重要性可見一斑.
The Perfection of Wisdom sutras include two parts:deep insight (a deep view on emptiness) and vast deeds (stages of vast practice). The representative work to interpret the former part is The Fundamental Treatise on the Middle Way (Prajna-nama-mula-madhyamaka-karika) by Nagarjuna. The representative work to interpret the latter part is The Ornament for Clear Knowledge (Abhisamayalamkara) by Maitreya. The Eight Topics and Their Seventy Subtopics (dNgos brgyad don bdun bcu) can be called an outline of the The Ornament for Clear Knowledge. It defines, classifies and sets boundaries for the eight topics (3 wisdoms, 4 practices, and dharma-k?ya) and their subtopics as well as the root verses to clearly explain the steps of vast practice in The Perfection of Wisdom S?tras so that practitioners of Mahayana Buddhism may find guidance. In the Tibetan Gelugpa (dGe lugs pa) school,there are numerous books entitled The Eight Topics and Their Seventy Subtopics. This paper deals with The Stainless Speech Continuum of rJe btsun Chos kyi rgyal mtshan:the Excellent Method of Definitively Distinguishing the Subject of the Ornament for Clear Knowledge - Eight Topics and Their Seventy Subtopics - (bsTan bcos mngon par rtogs pa'i rgyan gyi brjod bya dngos brgyad don bdun bcu nges par 'byed pa'i thabs dam pa rJe btsun Chos kyi rgyal mtshan gyi gsung rgyun dri ma med pa) by rJe btsun Chos kyi rgyal mtshan. Its importance can be seen from the fact that it is also the textbook (yig cha) used by Byes. Institute (Byes grva tshang) of Sera Monastery and Byang rtse Institute (Byang rtse grva tshang) of dGa' Idan Monastery (dGa’ Idan dgon pa),two of the three major Gelupa monasteries. |
Table of contents | 一、前言 349 二、至尊.法幢的簡要傳記 351 三、文獻來源 353 四、譯注體例 353 五、譯注研究 354 (一)「八門廣說」、「六門中說」、「三門略說」 (二)《現觀莊嚴論》以瑜伽行中觀自續派的宗義為依據 (三)品與品之間的關聯性 六、《八事七十義》的譯注 359 (一)總說能詮「般若波羅蜜多」的八品及所詮的八事 (二)別說七十義 1.解說能詮「遍智」的十義 2.解說能詮「道智」的十一義 3.解說能詮「基智」的九義 4.解說能詮「圓滿眾相加行」的十一義 5.解說能詮「至頂加行」的八義 6.解說能詮「漸次加行」的十三義 7.解說能詮「剎那加行」的四義 8.解說能詮「果法身」的四義 七、附錄 389
ISSN | 10177132 (P) |
Hits | 3269 |
Created date | 2003.09.08
Modified date | 2017.11.10 |
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