陽明《傳習錄》與惠能《壇經》之義理交涉=A Comprehensive Understanding of Yang-ming's Chuan His Lu(the Record of Instructions)and Hui-Neng's Liu-tsu Tan Ching(The Platform Scripture oh the Sixth Patriarch) |
Author |
許鶴齡 =Hsu, Ho-ling
Source |
哲學與文化=Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture
Volume | v.29 n.3 (總號=n.334) |
Date | 2002.03 |
Pages | 249 - 271 |
Publisher | 哲學與文化月刊雜誌社 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 作者為輔仁大學哲學研究所博士
Keyword | 陽明=Yang-Ming; 傳習錄=Chuan Hsi Lu; 惠能; 六祖壇經=The Sixth Patriarch's Sutra; 致良知=extending innate knowledge; 明心見性=enlightening mind and nature; Liu-tsu tan ching |
Abstract | 若要忠實呈顯陽明之學與禪學兩者之真正內在關係,吾人認為是否應先探究陽明的思想底基為何?是否陽明對佛家禪學語彙的照搬,即可視為二者思想體系的完全等同?亦即透過語彙量上的多數等同,是否即可判定二者在思想路數或具體內涵上之質的等同?或這些異質因素(佛氏禪學)是否會造成陽明思想基礎的撼動或甚將其同化,而使其完全轉向?本文藉陽明(1472-1528)《傳習錄》及惠能(638-713)《壇經》此二文本之義理,擬從四個面向將此問題予以釐清:一.陽明早年對禪的涉入及轉出,一窺陽明與禪之關係;二.陽明「致良知」之修養工夫;三.惠能「明心見性」之修行觀;四.兩者義理之交涉:透過對陽明及惠能關於心性論.實踐工夫途徑(去蔽及修養).終極價值取向等方面來作對比,期能對照出二者會通處,及相異處何在?並冀盼在上述的探究中,透顯出二者義理交涉處,並揭示陽明所企圖完成之儒境禪慧的生命態度.
To honestly show the connection between the doctrine of Wang Yang-ming and the doctrine of Zen,the issue is whether we should explore the foundation of Yang-ming’s thoughts. Is it true that we can think that Yang-ming’s appropriation of the vocabularies of Zen demonstrates the identity between the two doctrines, that is, to identify the sameness in vocabularies with the sameness in thoughts or substance? Or can these heterologous elements (Zen) challenge or even. Absorb Yang-ming’s doctrine before totally diverting it? Based on the doctrines evolving from Yang-ming’s chuan hsi lu and hui-neng’s liu –tsu tan ching,this paper is four approaches:first,how to stubby Yang-ming’s early devotion to and diversion from Zen,in order to find out his connection with Zen; second,to study Yang-ming’s discipline,“extending innate knowledge”; third,to investigate Hui-neng’s idea of discipline,“Enlightening mind and nature”; and fourth, to show the communication between the two doctrines. By contrasting Yang-ming and Hui-neng’s theories about nature,disciplines and ultimate values, we hope to show what their similarities and differences. Besides, this paper is extended to present a comprehensive understanding about them and to show the combination of Confucian attitude and Zen wisdom that Yang-ming’s doctrine tries to achieve. |
ISSN | 10158383 (P); 10158383 (E) |
Hits | 472 |
Created date | 2003.9.18
Modified date | 2017.10.13 |
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