智顗「四意消文」的解經方法論=The Hermeneutic Methodology of Zhiyi’s "Four Kinds of Explanation" |
Author |
郭朝順 (著)=Kuo, Chao-shun (au.)
Source |
華梵人文學報=Huafan Journal of Humanities
Volume | n.1 |
Date | 2003.07 |
Pages | 243 - 269 |
Publisher | 華梵大學文學院 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Keyword | 天台宗=法華宗=Tien-tai Buddhism=Tendaishu; 智者大師=智顗; 四意消文; 譯經=Sutra's translation |
Abstract | 天台智顗解釋佛教經典所採用的方法有兩類,一為五重玄義,一為四意消文。五重玄義之「釋名、顯體、明宗、論用、判教相」,則以揭露經典本身意在言外的深義(玄義)(尤其重視經典的根本本質)為目的。所謂消文四意,則就「因緣、約教、本跡、觀心」等四個角度,分別解釋經文詞句的含義,或可視為解釋經文之實際操作方法。以前一方式釋經的著作,多稱為「玄義」或「玄疏」,其中《法華玄義》是為代表﹔以後一方式釋經的著作則名為「文句」,在智顗的作品中唯有《法華文句》,(《金光明經文句》並無本跡一門)。歷來學者大多注意到五重玄義的地位,但對四意消文郤罕加注意,然而筆者以為,這二者皆為研究智顗之佛教解經方法之重要資料,且有不同的特色,一是揭露經典本質,一為詮釋句讀,且若以法華三大部的出現次第來看,法華文句的講說是在陳禎明元年(587),法華玄義則講於隋開皇十三年(593),如果不考慮現行本的修治時間問題,五重玄義與四意消文在智顗釋經方法論的發展過程之中,是否具有承續或互補關係,以及智顗是否具有清楚的建立釋經方法論之企圖,透過本文以及前著拙文<智顗「五重玄義」的佛教詮釋學>(發表於華梵大學哲學系主辦第四屆儒佛會通學術研討會)的探討,關於上述問題,當逐步被釐清。
‘Four kinds of explanation’ (四意消文) offers a specific method that Tiantai Zhiyi used to express the truth of saddharmapundarika-sutra (妙法蓮華經). This method discloses the original reality of saddharmapundarika-sutra: the “Sutra” that represents every Buddhist sutra and the dharma itself. The method of ‘Four kinds of explanation’ is not just a practical method about explaining sutras; it includes the theory of interpretation, which combines understanding with practical meaning. ‘Four kinds of explanation’ includes the explanation of yinyuan (因緣), uejiao (約教), benji (本具), guanxin (觀心). Both explanations of yinyuan and uejiao are analytical methods. We understand that the text itself is sunya in the process of analyzing. The most radical idea of saddharmapundarika-sutra is benji, by which we understand that there are ben-saddharmapundarika-sutra (ben-text) and ji-saddharmapundarika-sutra (ji-text). That means the two are indivisible though they are distinguishable. The interpretation in Guanxin based on the absence of self-nature in text and scripture, points out that understanding must tend to an understanding of the ultimate and real mark of all kinds of dharmas; moreover, this interpretation and understanding must abandon the superficial meanings of all words and expressions, by transforming itself into the threefold contemplation within one moment of mental activity. It is accomplished only after having realized this kind of contemplation. |
Table of contents | 壹、前言 : 問題的提出 244 貳、《法華玄義》與《法華文句》的關係 246 參、四意消文的經典依據 250 肆、運用四意消文的理由 253 伍、四意消文的實際運用 255 陸、結論:四意消文對《法華經》之開會 : 消釋與重構 263 參考文獻 267 |
ISSN | 18124305 (P) |
Hits | 903 |
Created date | 2004.03.03 |
Modified date | 2019.10.09 |
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