Author |
Geshe Rabten
Date | 1997.12 |
Pages | 288 |
Publisher | Edition Rabten/Rabten Foundation |
Publisher Url |
Location | Zurich, Switzerland [蘇黎世, 瑞士] |
Content type | 書籍=Book |
Language | 英文=English |
Note | Hardcover/ 4 colorplates/ 14.5 x 21.8 cm
Keyword | 藏傳佛教=西藏佛教=Tibetan Buddhism; Meditation; Buddhism; Tibetan Buddhist life; Manuals; |
Abstract | No one seeking a complete guide to Tibetan Buddhism should bypass the book which contains the entire path of Buddhism. A true classic of Contemporary Buddhist literature and indeed a jewel in one hand. The book illustrates that the teachings of Buddha are indeed a rare and most precious treasure which , if one is able to see its value and is skilfull in using it, not only fulfills one's temporary needs, but accomplishes the result of lasting happiness. If ignorance, egoism, greed, hatred, pride, jealousy and so on forcefully dominate one's mental continuum, endless problems and sufferings for oneself and others will result instead of peace and happiness. On the contrary, if satisfaction, contentment, altruism, patience, love, compassion, wisdom and so forth are strong and stable in one's mind, even negative conditions are transformed into supportive factors. Since the faults in the mind , no matter how great they may seem, are not in the nature of the mind itself, they can be totally eradicated, and no matter how weak the positive qualities may seem, they can be developed infinitely. The accurate methods to achieve both are the essence of the teaching of the Enlightened One, and the content of the book.
ISBN | 3905497107 |
Hits | 458 |
Created date | 2004.02.23
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