法海堤防 -- 中國大陸近年傳戒活動的考察=A Guarantee of Buddhist Teaching: Buddhist Ordination in Mainland China in Recent Years |
Author |
溫金玉 (著)=Wen, Jin-yu (au.)
Source |
輔仁宗教研究=Fujen Religious Studies
Volume | n.21 |
Date | 2010.09 |
Pages | 1 - 19 |
Publisher | 輔仁大學出版社 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺北縣, 臺灣 [Taipei hsien, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 作者單位:中國人民大學佛教與宗教學理論研究所 |
Keyword | 戒律=Buddhist Vinaya; 傳戒=Ordination in Buddhism; 制度建設=Institutional improvement; 大陸佛教=Mainland China Buddhism |
Abstract | 傳戒是大陸佛教恢復期最為重要的活動之一,也是大陸佛教發展中僧才具足的最根本保障。目前學界尚未對此有專題研究。本文僅就近年來大陸佛教界傳戒的實況作一掃描,以期對以往之傳戒活動作一回顧、對傳戒中存在的問題作一反省。其中以個案形式對禪宗祖庭少林寺近三百年來未曾出現過的傳戒活動作了數據整理,特別對新戒的籍貫來源、自然年齡、學歷教育、出家時間、婚姻情況等作了具體分析,並就呈現出的一些特點作了說明。傳戒不僅是佛教界內部的法務活動,也是一項嚴肅的管理制度。從歷史上來看,僧品的抉擇主要依賴於出家受戒這一關。傳戒的嚴肅性、神聖性其實就體現於制度化。當前,如法傳戒問題已為中國佛教協會所關注,中國佛教僧伽制度的建設問題也為大陸政教學三界所矚目,社會與民眾對大陸佛教的健康發展充滿著無限期待。
To initiate men or women as bhiksus and bhikkunis is important for the resumption of Buddhist life in Mainland China and the basic way to foster and educate Buddhist talent. However, few studies have been made on the topic. This paper reviews the activities of Buddhist ordinations in recent years in Mainland China. A case study is made of the ordinations in 2005 at the Shaolin Temple, the earliest temple of the Zen school in China. This was the first such event for the past three hundred years. Details of the place of birth, age, marital status, educational history and the date of ordination of the bhiksus are given. In accordance with the above information, the characteristics of Buddhist ordination at Shaolin Temple are shown and explained. Ordinations in Buddhism are not only Buddhist activities but also a means of official and solemn management. They determine who are is qualified to be a Buddhist bhiksu or bhikkuni. Above all, institutionalized and standardized activities of ordination in Buddhism show the seriousness and sanctity of religion. Today, the Buddhist Association of China pays close attention to legal and rightful ordinations. The question of how to improve institutional Buddhist organizations is of great concern to the government, Buddhist groups and intellectuals. Individuals and society expect the well-developed development of Buddhism in Mainland China. |
Table of contents | 提要 1 一、當代大陸佛教僧伽制度建設回顧 2 二、個案掃描:少林傳戒 6 (一)新戒籍貫來源地分析 7 (二)自然年齡結構比例分析 8 (三)出家時間結構比例分析 9 (四)受教育程度結構分析 11 (五)婚姻狀況結構分析圖 12 三、傳戒問題反思 14 結論 16 |
ISSN | 16820568 (P); 16820568 (E) |
Hits | 771 |
Created date | 2010.12.27 |
Modified date | 2019.12.16 |
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