民國佛教懸案 -- 諾那活佛死亡之謎初探=An Early 20th Century Buddhist Myth: The Death of Nora Rinpoche |
Author |
黃英傑 (著)=Huang, Ying-chieh (au.)
Source |
輔仁宗教研究=Fujen Religious Studies
Volume | n.21 |
Date | 2010.09 |
Pages | 181 - 203 |
Publisher | 輔仁大學出版社 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺北縣, 臺灣 [Taipei hsien, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 作者單位:華梵大學東方人文思想研究所 |
Keyword | 藏傳佛教=Tibetan Buddhism; 寧瑪派=Nyingmapa; 達隆噶舉派=Taklung Kagyu; 諾那活佛=Nora Rinpoche; 諾那呼圖克圖=Nora Khutughtu |
Abstract | 二十世紀初藏傳佛教在漢地的弘傳因緣,與諾那活佛有密切的關係。但關於這一位具時代性指標人物的生平資料,不論是從出生後被認證為轉世化身、呼圖克圖,中年在拉薩獄中神變逃亡到漢地,到晚年圓寂於康區甘孜等等,都有著濃厚的神秘色彩。過去筆者已完成「上師生命的聖與俗-諾那活佛轉世身份初探」,揭開他的活佛認證與呼圖克圖身份被附加上去的神聖面紗。本文則在上述研究成果的基礎之上,針對民國初年的佛教懸案-諾那活佛晚年圓寂於康區甘孜的眾說紛云說法,做抽絲剝繭的詳細探究,以還原宗教史實的真相,並藉以省思信仰與宗教師生命的神聖性,與佛教理性面向之間的特殊關係。本文研究結果指出,諾那是被康區藏族政敵所俘虜,為避免解送西藏途中逃跑、或受到國民政府報復,從而轉交長征經過當地之紅軍,以期借刀殺人。但當時紅軍急需少數民族協助,因此民族政策相對落實,未加壓迫或殺害諾那。但在質押過程中,諾那心臟病發,因缺乏適當醫療照顧而死亡。雖然不是傳說中被紅軍擊斃慘死、屍骨無存,但紅軍當時處境艱難,事後聲稱如何優禮諾那也是言過其實。
This article focuses on the myth about the death of Nora Rinpoche, who played an important role in the thriving development of Tibetan Buddhism in the 'Han area' in the early twentieth century, and whose life is often narrated through a succession of miraculous stories. Based on my previous work entitled 'The Sacred and the Profane of a Lama's Life-An Analysis of the Reincarnation Identity of Nora Rinpoche', which examines the 'myth' about Nora Rinpoche's being recognized as a reincarnated tulku and 'Khutughtu', the present paper seeks to reconstruct the most likely condition in which Nora Rinpoche met his ultimate end and reflects on the relationship between faith, a master's life, and the rational aspect of the Buddhist belief itself. By investigating rumors about the master's death, this paper argues that Nora Rinpoche was first captured by his political enemies in Kham, who, in order to avoid his escape and the revenge of the KMT, handed the master over to the Communist 'Red Army' in the hope that the master would be killed through the Communists' hands. Nevertheless, the Red Army, then passing by Kham on their Long March, was in need of the support of the people of Khampa and thus adopted a rather neutral attitude towards Nora Rinpoche. However, during his detention, Nora Rinpoche had a serious heart attack and eventually died because of the lack of proper medical treatment. Nora Rinpoche was not, as rumors might have had it, tortured to death by the Red Army, however, nor did the latter treat the master with great favor as they have claimed. |
Table of contents | 提要 181 前言 182 一、諾那活佛行狀中記載的諾那之死 183 二、樂觀法師所述的諾那活佛之死 185 三、紅軍相關史料記載的探索 189 結論 197 |
ISSN | 16820568 (P); 16820568 (E) |
Hits | 1071 |
Created date | 2010.12.27 |
Modified date | 2019.12.16 |

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