『大乗荘厳経論』の構成と第IX章「菩提の章」の構造 ー ウッダーナ(X, k.1)の理解を踏まえて ー=The Organization of the Mahāyānasūtrālaṃkāra and the Structure of its Chapter IX, "Examination of Enlightenment" —On the Basis of an Understanding of an Uddāna Verse (MSA X. 1)— |
Author |
内藤昭文 (著)=Naito, Akifumi (au.)
Source |
インド学チベット学研究=Journal of Indian and Tibetan Studies=インドガク チベットガク ケンキュウ
Volume | n.13 |
Date | 2009 |
Pages | 1 - 38 |
Publisher | インド哲学研究会 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 京都, 日本 [Kyoto, Japan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 日文=Japanese |
Note | 作者單位:龍谷大学非常勤講師 |
Keyword | 大乗荘厳経論の構成; 第 IX 章の構造; ウッダーナ (X,k.1) の意図; 向上的説示; 向下的説示 |
Abstract | The Mahāyānasūtrālaṃkāra (MSA) has two uddāna verses which seem to relate to the Bodhisattvabhūmi. In this paper, I would like to argue that the second uddāna, i.e., MSA X.1 in Le´vi’s edition should be regarded as the last verse of MSA IX, for if we carefully examine Vasubandhu’s commentary on MSA X.1, the subject-matters of MSA I to IX listed in this verse, correspond to the topics of MSA IX. As to the organization of the MSA, the subject matter of these chapters is arranged in parallel to a bodhisattva’s ascending path to enlightenment (bodhi) from the MSA’s own fundamental position that Mahayana sutras are the words of the Buddha. It also takes into consideration the “topics to be practiced” (yatraśiks.ante) by a bodhisattva which are described in the Bbh. However, the topics of the chapter IX are structured in parallel to a buddha’s descending path to save people; the fact that they correspond to the subject matter of the first nine chapters of the MSA indicates that each and every subject of these chapters is a ground for the attainment of enlightenment. The MSA IX.1-55 elucidates the import of enlightenment expounded in various Mahayana sutras, which are systematized by the concept of “transformation of the basis” (āśrayaparāvr. tti) and epitomized by the concept of “Pure realm/principle of phenomena” (dharmadhātuviśuddhi) in kk.56-59. In other words, on the basis of ā´srayaparāvr. tti, which corresponds to the gotra of a practitioner, enlightenment is identified with dharmadhātuviśuddhi and ultimately appears as the buddha’s three bodies (buddhakāya, IX. 60-66) and four wisdoms (buddhajñāna, IX. 67-76) from the perspective of a buddha’s descending path. The following verses (IX.77-85), however, should be taken as the exposition of enlightenment from the perspective a bodhisattva’s ascending path to enlightenment. They, together with IX.86, refer to the ‘Awakening of mind for enlightenment’ (bodhicittotpāda). |
Table of contents | 序節 はじめに 1 第一節 ウッダーナによる MSA 第九章の構成 5 第一項 MSA のウッダーナについて 5 第二項 レヴィ版本第 X 章第一偈のウッダーナの理解 8 第三項 ウッダーナの意図する対応関係 11 第四項 第 IX 章における第 I 章との対応について 15 第五項 第 IX 章における第 IV 章との対応について 19 第二節 第 IX 章の構成と構造 22 第三節 まとめ 27
ISSN | 13427377 (P) |
Hits | 949 |
Created date | 2011.03.01 |
Modified date | 2020.08.05 |

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