大乘中觀對因果問題的破申:《百論》破因果品釋義=The Dialectic of Causation in Śataśāstra |
Author |
孫長祥 (著)=Sun, Chang-hsiang (au.)
Source |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science
Volume | v.12 n.2 |
Date | 2011.08.01 |
Pages | 49 - 63 |
Publisher | 圓覺文教基金會 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 作者為元智大學通識教學部(College of General studies, Yuan Ze University),桃園(Taoyuan),台灣(Taiwan)。
Keyword | 提婆=Āryadeva; 百論=Śataśāstra; 因果=Causation; 有為法=Active things |
Abstract | 本論文主要秉持哲學觀點中討論因果的問題意識,嘗試解析並闡述提婆在《百論》中,以中觀破申外道「因中有果、無果」問題的重要見解。全文分成三部分壹、前言:有關因果問題的省察。從哲學角度說明因果問題發展的哲學性意義。貳、《百論》對有為法因果問題的破申:下分三段:一、三論破申因果的一般性說明;二、因中有果問題的破申-<破因中有果品>,著重因果關係、有無的論辯;三、因中無果問題的破申-<破因中無果品>:著重「因生果」之「生」的論辯。參、結論。綜述前文,並扼要加以檢討。 According to the problematique of causation in philosophy, this paper aims to explore how to debate the questions of causation with Samkhya and Vaiśeşika in Āryadeva's Śataśāstra(百論), and presents important insights on causation in Madhyamaka. After an inquiry into questions of causation in the history of philosophy, this paper mainly rebuts causation of active things (有爲法) in Śataśāstra by re-examining (a) important causal conceptions generally discussed in the three śāstras, (b) effect implied in cause, focusing on the cause-effect relationship, and (c) effect not implied in cause, highlighting the meaning of "to produce" in causation.
Table of contents | 壹、前言 貳、《百論》對有為法因果問題的破申 參、結論 |
ISSN | 16072952 (P) |
Hits | 1381 |
Created date | 2012.12.27 |
Modified date | 2017.07.24 |

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