《瑜珈師地論》中的阿賴耶識說=A Study of the Doctrine of Alaya-vijnana Presented in the Yogacara-bhumi |
Author |
吳汝鈞 (著)=Ng, Yu-kwan (au.)
Source |
正觀雜誌=Satyabhisamaya: A Buddhist Studies Quarterly
Volume | n.58 |
Date | 2011.09.25 |
Pages | 79 - 158 |
Publisher | 正觀雜誌社 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 南投縣, 臺灣 [Nantou hsien, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 本文是筆者在香港浸會大學任教時所做的〈唯識學的阿賴耶識思想〉-研究的部分成果,主要是對有關文獻的解讀,加上詮釋與反思。由我擬定文獻的研讀範圍,由李健生、陳森田兩位研究助理參考多種有關研究成果,進行梳理、闡釋,最後由我自己作審閱、校正與補充。我們吸收了多方時人的研究,融會貫通,有些一般觀點已成為自己的理解了。 作者為中央研究院文哲所特聘研究員 |
Keyword | 識=vijnana; 八識=the eight vijnanas; 阿賴耶識=alaya-vijnana; 中有=antara-bhava; 生死=sajsara; 涅槃=nirvana |
Abstract | 本文主要探討佛教唯識學的重要論典《瑜伽師地論》的阿賴耶識思想。此中可大略地分為兩點:它的存在的論證與對中有(或作中有身或中陰身)的周詳的闡釋。在論證方面,論主認為我們的行為和周圍的環境的種子需要有一儲藏之所,這儲藏之所需要是無記性格的,才能接受熏習作用,它也必須是恆常作用之中,才能讓生命個體繼續存在、生長。在對中有的闡述方面,阿賴耶識作為眾生的靈魂、自我,必須被確認下來,以交代眾生的輪轉生死與涅槃還滅的現象。 This is a study of the Yogacara thought of the alaya-vijnana(storehouse of consciousness)seen in the Yogacara-bhumi, an important treatise in Mahayana Buddhism. The discussion can be devided into two points:the argumentations for the existence of the alaya-vijnana and the detailed explication of the soul(antara-bhava)from one generation to the next. With regard to the first point, the Treatise holds that the seeds or the basis of ourselves, our conducts and our circnmstances needs a storehouse in neutral nature in order to receive perfume(vasana)from the outside world, and that this storehouse must be operative constantly. This storehouse is nothing but the alaya-vijbana. Secondly, in the realm of life and death(samsara),we have to establish the concept of sonl which passes from one physical and dead bady to another living body so that transmigration can sustain until salvation is attained. What plays this role is the alaya-vijnana.
Table of contents | 一、《瑜伽師地論》的文獻學的面相 80 二、《瑜伽師地論》中的阿賴耶識說 83 三、全文總結 150 參考書目 156 |
ISSN | 16099575 (P) |
Hits | 1888 |
Created date | 2012.12.27 |
Modified date | 2017.09.06 |
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