印順法師自傳書寫特色及內涵=The Literary Features of Master Yin-shun's Autobiography An Ordinary Life |
Author |
李芝瑩 (著)=Lee, Chih-ying (au.)
Source |
玄奘佛學研究=Hsuan Chuang Journal of Buddhism Studies
Volume | n.18 |
Date | 2012.09.01 |
Pages | 63 - 90 |
Publisher | 玄奘大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 新竹市, 臺灣 [Hsinchu shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese; 英文=English |
Note | 作者為大漢技術學院通識教育中心副教授=Associate Professor, Center of General Education, Dahan Institute of Technology |
Keyword | 印順法師=Master Yin-shun; 佛教傳記=Buddhist biographies; 生命敘說=life narratives; 當代佛教研究=contemporary Buddhist studies |
Abstract | 本文從印順法師自傳《平凡的一生》探究傳主從空間移動中所呈現的生命書寫特色,認為可從三大面向作一探究,即「離家/出家」的身分移動、「遊歷/流離」的境遇改變,及「內修/外弘」的生活變遷,這是從傳主如何透過外在空間的改變形成內在心理變化,又因內在思惟的變化造成外在空間移動作為自傳書寫的分析。而印順法師依佛法而行的生命內涵,首要在強調「隨順因緣」,縱觀全書的起篇與末篇中,作者對於自己一生的評述,即是立基於「因緣觀」,也由此凸顯印順法師作為僧者身分,其建構自身生命歷程的重要內涵在於「依法奉行」,亦即依佛法的信、解實踐其生命,而以佛學著述作為續佛慧命及弘法利生的行、證,所呈現的正是菩薩利他的廣行。
This paper is a study of An Ordinary Life, the autobiography of Master Yin-shun (1906–2005), a well-known Buddhist monk and Chinese scholar. The study focuses on the writing features of three dramatic changes occurring in the writer’s life: change in status by his taking monastic vows, change in circumstances by his travelling and taking refuge, and change in life vision by his awakening from the dilemma between spiritual practice and teaching. It was found that in some cases external changes brought about inner changes, but in other cases inner changes gave new impetus to external changes. Dedicating his life to the study and propagation of Buddhism, Master Yin-shun emphasizes how he learned to follow the law of causality, and this is one of the main themes recurring throughout his autobiography. Another prominent feature in the Master’s life story is his constant endeavor, as a Buddhist monk, to put into practices his faith and understanding in Buddha’s teachings. Master Yin-shun regards his scholastic endeavors as a way of practicing the Bodhisattva path. |
Table of contents | 一、前言 65 二、印順法師自傳書寫特色:空間變動歷程中的生命敘說 68 (一)離家/出家──身分的移動 (二)遊歷/流離──境遇的改變 (三)內修/外弘──生活的變遷 三、印順法師依法奉行的生命內涵:依佛教因緣法為內涵的生命敘說 77 (一)隨順因緣 (二)續佛慧命 (三)弘法利生 四、結語 89 |
ISSN | 18133649 (P) |
Hits | 582 |
Created date | 2013.07.29 |
Modified date | 2017.12.08 |

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