智門光祚語錄之研究=A Study of Zhimen Guangzuo's Record of Sayings |
Author |
黃繹勳 (著)=Huang, Yi-hsun (au.)
Source |
漢學研究=Chinese Studies
Volume | v.30 n.4 |
Date | 2012.12.01 |
Pages | 35 - 64 |
Publisher | 漢學研究中心 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese; 英文=English |
Note | 作者係佛光大學佛教學系副教授。
Keyword | 智門光祚=Zhimen Guangzuo; 雲門文偃=Yunmen Wenyan; 雪竇重顯=Xuedou Chongxian; 語錄=record of sayings; 上堂=ascending the Dharma Hall; 禪宗=Chan school |
Abstract | 智門光祚(約生活於950-1030)為雲門宗派下禪師,生活於五代晚期到宋朝初年之間,是北宋著名禪師雪竇重顯(980-1053)的老師,然而在雲門文偃(864-949)和雪竇重顯耀眼光芒的遮掩之下,光祚至今僅於禪宗通史中被簡略提及,但是,對雲門宗一系而言,從雲門到雪竇的延續與光大宗風,光祚實功不可沒,因此,本論文是首見以光祚為主題而進行研究的專文。筆者於文中詳細地比對光祚不同的史傳資料,以勾勒出其生平和弘化之樣貌。接著,進行《智門祚禪師語錄》的編集、刊印與架構之分析,最後,並以《智門祚禪師語錄》中三則上堂內容為主要資料,探討光祚之重要禪學思想。對於近年國際上有長足進展和突破的禪學研究而言,本文提供了分析禪宗在從晚唐到宋初發展過程中重要的訊息,也奠定筆者將來繼續研究宋代禪宗典籍和體例的基礎。
Zhimen Guangzuo 智門光祚 (ca. 950-1030) of the Yunmen 雲門 School,active from the late Five Dynasties to the early Song, was the teacher of the famous Song Chan master Xuedou Chongxian 雪竇重顯 (980-1053). Overshadowed by the fame of Yunmen Wenyan 雲門文偃 (864-949) and Xuedou Chongxian, Guangzuo is usually mentioned only briefly in the history of Chan Buddhism. Guangzuo, however, serves as a necessary link for the transmission of the Yunmen School between Yunmen and Xuedou. This article first makes a detailed comparison of several biographical sources in order to characterize Guangzuo’s life and teaching career. Next, the compilation, publication and structure of the Record of Sayings of Chan Master Zhimen Zuo (Zhimen zuo chanshi yulu 智門祚禪師語錄) are systematically analyzed. Finally, the author examines three pieces of information from the section of“Ascending the Dharma Hall"(shangtang 上堂) in his Record of Sayings to discuss Guangzuo’s Chan thought. This article on Zhimen Guangzuo’s life and Record of Sayings contributes to the field of the study of Chan Buddhism not only by providing important information for analyzing the development of Chan Buddhism from the Tang dynasty to the Song dynasty, but also by serving a basis for the studies of Chan texts and genres of the Song dynasty.
Table of contents | 一、前言 36 二、智門光祚之生平考 37 三、《智門祚禪師語錄》之編集、刊印與架構 42 四、《智門祚禪師語錄》〈上堂〉之思想略探 48 五、總結 59 |
ISSN | 02544466 (P); 02544466 (E) |
Hits | 637 |
Created date | 2013.09.11 |
Modified date | 2019.12.17 |
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