基督教與佛教生命觀之比較研究=The Comparative Studies on the Attitudes towards Life between Christianity and Buddhism |
Author |
尤惠貞 (著)=Yu, Huey-jen (au.)
翟本瑞 (著)=Jai, Ben-ray (au.)
Source |
新世紀宗教研究=New Century Religious Studies
Volume | v.10 n.2 |
Date | 2011.12 |
Pages | 109 - 138 |
Publisher | 世界宗教博物館發展基金會附設出版社 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺北縣, 臺灣 [Taipei hsien, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 尤惠貞:南華大學哲學與生命教育系副教授 翟本瑞:逢甲大學合作經濟系教授 |
Keyword | 生命觀=the attitudes towards life; 比較宗教=comparative study between religions; 基督教=Christianity; 佛教=Buddhism |
Abstract | 宗教致力於探究神聖境界,以與世俗世界加以區分。然而,探討「神觀」之餘,各宗教也對「人」的本質,以及生命有著特定的看法。基督教強調宇宙萬物皆為上帝創造,生命乃是神的旨意,因而個人乃是為了榮耀上帝而存在。佛教則側重於生命之依因待緣而生,並順著一切存在變化無常的緣起觀進而強調無恆常不變的自我;佛教探索生命的真諦,並藉由修證以了悟生死,因此,了生脫死可說是佛教生命觀的主要取向。本文希望針對基督教與佛教對於人的本質以及生命的看法,進行比較研究,透過不同之生命觀的對照以進一步認識兩大主要宗教的基本教義與各自之特質。
All religions make differences between the sacred and the profane, and look into the divine world. Seeking the image of God, however, all religions constitute the attitude towards human life at the same time. Christianity puts emphasis on the creation of God, and regards human life as only the divine decree for glorifying God's Will. Buddhism focuses on the combination of principal and subsidiary causes, proposing that the existence of human life is nothing but changes due to cause and effect, having no essence of its own. The author in this paper tries to do comparative studies on the attitudes towards life between Christianity and Buddhism in order to figure out the fundamental differences between these two most important world religions. |
Table of contents | 壹、前言 111 貳、基督教的生命觀 112 一、人的創造與墮落 112 二、耶穌的挽回祭 114 三、死亡與永生 118 四、小結 120 參、佛教的生命觀 120 一、生命的緣起與緣滅 121 二、生命的輪迴與解脫 123 三、生命的唯識與唯心 126 四、生命的如實與正觀 129 肆、結語 132 |
ISSN | 16843738 (P) |
Hits | 656 |
Created date | 2014.07.15 |
Modified date | 2020.04.13 |
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