聖嚴法師禪學思想於佛法治療之應用初探 ── 一個社區大學教案的實踐經驗=The Application Research about Therapeutic Buddhism for the Chan theory of Master Sheng Yen: Focuses on the Adult Education about I-Lan Community University |
Author |
辜琮瑜 (著)=Ku, Chung-Yu (au.)
Source |
聖嚴研究:第一輯=Studies of Master Sheng Yen No.1
Date | 2010.03 |
Pages | 251 - 328 |
Publisher | 法鼓文化 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺北, 臺灣 [Taipei, Taiwan] |
Series | 聖嚴思想論叢 |
Series No. | 1 |
Content type | 專題研究論文=Research Paper |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 作者單位:法鼓大學人生學院助理教授=Assistant professor of Life and Living School, Dharm Drum University Preparatory Office |
Keyword | 書寫治療=Writing cure; 哲學諮商=Philosophical counseling; 佛法治療=Therapeutic Buddhism; 聖嚴法師; 禪學思想; Text interpretation |
Abstract | 社區大學之課程涵蓋許多不同層面,在黃武雄教授所規畫的原始架構下,大部分的社區大學將課程以所謂3H原則規畫為三類,即學術性(Head)、社團性(Heart)及生活藝能性(Hand)等。 以研究者所授課之宜蘭社區大學為例,所教授之心靈成長課程,即歸類於學術性課程中。然社區大學對學術性課程之思惟,又與一般教育體制下之學術性思考有別,其所期待者,為「解放知識」之教育觀點。 本研究即在此一觀點下,透過在宜蘭社區大學教授心靈教育課程,針對所出現之課題,對課程之設計與實踐,提出教學者之歷程與省思。 研究者於宜蘭社區大學開設心靈成長課程數載,經兩期課程後,發現學員對生命問題與日常生活困境之處理、解決有強烈之內在渴望,並期望能於心靈課程中與自我、他者進行更深入之互動式探索與回應,此一需求觸發研究者於第三期規畫「心靈探索與生命書寫」課程。 本文即對此課程之教學方法、教學內容與學員書寫練習之進行所提出之討論與呈現。包括課程規畫與實踐之歷程,透過書寫治療、哲學諮商與聖嚴法師禪學思想之應用,呈現此課程之內容與方法。 本論文之撰述,分別就課程設計之問題意識予以說明,其次就研究者對上述三領域之研究文獻所作的「對話」,進而提出課程設計之歷程。 第三部分,則為課程設計及內容之呈現,涵蓋兩個面向,一為擷取書寫治療中表達性書寫之概念與方法,規畫學員書寫心靈課題之作業;二為課程進行現場,擷取哲學諮商中,有關諮商者與案主透過「對話」進行互動與探索之方法。其次,則在於思考如何進行哲學諮商中所謂「意向性指導」與「超越性思惟」之概念,試圖於課程內容上,導入聖嚴法師之禪學思想,以因應學員遭遇生命問題與日常生活困境之可能性回應。 此一導入前提緣於對學員需求之理解與分析,經研究者之觀察與長期接觸,發現學員對心靈類課程有兩項主要期待,分別為:1.對類宗教或非正式宗教的宗教需求;2.對心理調適方法的需求,並期望在課堂中進行非正式的輔導或諮商,以便其應用於個人生活。 而聖嚴法師之禪法,除超越宗教、哲學之二分歸類,並具生活化、應用化之特質,皆頗能對應學員之需求,故而為規畫課程內容之主要取向。 本研究之結論與反思,在於探析以聖嚴法師禪學思想做為佛法治療未來開展之可能性。 本文所提出之佛法治療,主要強調「具治療意義之佛法應用」,此實為一嘗試性觀點,如欲嚴格定義之,仍有爭議與討論空間。研究者之所以試圖連結佛法與治療之概念,主要受晚進歐洲哲學實踐領域中,將哲學實踐面向連結應用於「哲學諮商」或「哲學診治」之趨向所啟發,並發現此一實踐系統在成人教育場域中之應用頗具意義,此為研究者透過成人教育進行此研究報告之主要原因。 如以未來可能性發展觀之,則思考是否可能於某些基礎下設計出更精緻的心靈佛法課程架構。
This essay focuses on the adult education field, especially on how the therapeutic theory to practice, including the expressing writing cure, philosophical counseling and the Chan theory of Master Sheng Yen, introducing: 1. Central Matters: from the spiritual curriculums in the community university which I designed, when I met the special needs of my students that inspired me and what I responses in the process of curriculum. I taught the spiritual curriculums in I-Lan community university for many years, and been aware of that the students always desire to know more about how to handle with the problems that occur in their life even everyday. In response to their needs, I started to design the third curriculum: “How to deep touch our mind and how to write our life”. This essay is to introduce the method of teaching, the content of the curriculum and the interpretation of the assignments from the students. 2. How to Respond in my course: through the theory and practice from “The writing cure” (or “The expressing writing therapy”), and “Philosophical counseling" , and applications of the Chan theory of Master Sheng Yen, I present the content and the teaching method of this curriculum. This essay explains the idea of this curriculum. First, the method of this curriculum includes two dimensions: student’s assignments and conversations between the teacher and the students. Secondly, as the core of the curriculum, I introduce the Chan theory of Master Sheng Yen which plays a great role in helping students solving their problems, while the purpose of this curriculum is aiming how to introduce the “intentional guidance” and “the thinking style beyond they used to”, which inspired from the concepts of the philosophical consults. After getting along with the students and observing them, I found that the students usually have two expectations concerning: 1. The religion Needs for help but not the classical religion, I think it’s mean “the resembling-religion” or “the non-religion”. 2. Needs for psychological consults in the class in order to apply them in their life, but not the formal consulting. And I think the Chan theory of Master Sheng Yen have characteristics both religious and philosophical, and qualities both theoretical and practical. Therefore, his teachings become the core of the course. 3. Feed-backs: The student’s assignments show the practical effects which present the therapeutic benefits and advantages of the Buddhism. Besides the above explanations, this essay also attempts to analyze the works of the students’ assignments and to discuss if the methods really contribute to achieve the goal of the therapeutic effect of the Buddhism. 4.Conclusion: to analyze the possibilities of the future development of the therapeutic Buddhism. The Bu |
Table of contents | 一、前言 254 二、問題意識與對應 254 三、研究方法 256 四、研究內容 256 (一)研究者與學員狀態之「對話」256 1. 課程設計之開端:發現問題,尋求可能的解決途徑 256 2. 本研究的概括提綱與彙整 259 3. 詳述研究者的反思與回應 260 (二)研究者與相關研究文獻之「對話」265 1.書寫治療 265 2. 哲學實踐之「哲學諮商」(「哲學診治」) 280 3.具治療意義之佛法 296 4. 聖嚴法師的禪學思想 303 五、研究結果 305 1. 課程之規畫與設計 305 2. 課程單元的設計與思考 307 六、結論與反思 323 |
Hits | 495 |
Created date | 2014.11.24 |
Modified date | 2021.07.21 |

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