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回小向大-倓虛法師對曉雲法師的影響=Conversing from Hinayana to Mahayana -- The Influence of Ven. Tan-hsu on Ven. Hiu-wan |
Author |
陳秀慧 (著)=Chen, Shiu-hui (au.)
Source |
華梵人文學報=Huafan Journal of Humanities
Volume | n.3 |
Date | 2004.06 |
Pages | 195 - 226 |
Publisher | 華梵大學文學院 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Keyword | 曉雲法師=Ven. Hiu-wan; 天臺宗=Tien-tai School; 佛教教育=Buddhist Education; 倓虛法師=Ven. Tan-hsu |
Abstract | 本文主要根據倓虛法師(清光緒元年至民國五十二年,西元1875-196)與曉雲法師(民國元年出生)之相關著作,闡述曉雲法師因受倓虛法師天臺教法之化導與人格精神之感召,在修道抉擇與傳道方向所產生的關鍵性影響—回小向大。文中分直接影響與間接影響論述。一、直接影響:(一)修行法門:由原先耽於禪宗不立文字的祖師禪,改變爲天臺教觀並重的經藏禪。(二)個性心境:由原本「喜獨行」的自了漢,浙轉爲心壞眾生的大乘答薩行者。二、間接影響:(一)佛教教育志業的興發、教育理論與實際施教方針施設。(二)繪畫創作題材的擴大與意境的提昇。文末除肯定倓虛法師對曉雲法師所產生的深遠影響外,更表彰曉雲法師善繼師志、崇德報恩的風範。
This paper traces the lineage and affiliation between Ven. Tan-hsu (1875-1963) and Ven. Hiu-wan, with reference to their thoughts and deeds. The affiliations between them are classified into the following two categories: (1) Direct Influences: (a) The way of practice has been modified from the tacit use of language in Zen to a more balanced focus on both interpretation and practice in Tien-tai Buddhism. (b) Mentally the Ven Hiu-wan has been influenced to pay more attention to enlighten the people than saving herself. (2) Indirect Influences: (1) Ven. Hiu-wan's career in Buddhist education, pedagogy, and design of educational facilities are all influenced by Ven. Tan-hsu. (b) The theme of Ven. Hiu-wan's paintings has been enriched by Ven. Tan-hsu. Finally, the legacy of Ven. Hiu-wan's respects to Ven. Tan-hsu. and the continuity between their thoughts and deeds will be presented in the conclusion.
Table of contents | 壹、前言 一、背景說明 二、研究動機與目的 (一)研究動機 (二)研究目的 三、參考文獻 (一)以曉雲法師撰作中與本議題有關之著作 (二)以倓虛法師弟子所編印的《倓虛大師法彙》、《倓虛大師精華錄》為輔,旁及與本文主題有關的學術論著 貳、曉雲法師學佛、出家之進程 參、倓虛法師的人格特質、修行法要與弘化事功 肆、倓虛法師對曉雲法師的影響 伍、曉雲法師緬懷恩師的具體行誼 陸、結論 參考文獻 |
ISSN | 18124305 (P) |
Hits | 530 |
Created date | 2015.06.26 |
Modified date | 2019.08.07 |
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