空性與暴力:龍樹、德里達與列維納斯不期而遇的交談=Emptiness and Violence: An Unexpected Encounter among Nāgārjuna, Derrida, and Levinas |
Author |
林鎮國 (著)=Lin, Chen-kuo (au.)
Source |
法鼓人文學報=Dharma Drum Journal of Humanities
Volume | n.2 |
Date | 2005.12 |
Pages | 97 - 114 |
Publisher | 法鼓人文社會學院 |
Location | 臺北縣, 臺灣 [Taipei hsien, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Keyword | 空性=Emptiness Violence; 暴力=Madhyamika; 龍樹=Nagarjuna; 德里達=Derrida; 列維納斯=Levinas |
Abstract | 藉由德里達在〈暴力與形上學〉一文裡閱讀列維納斯時所得到的靈感,本文試圖將佛教中觀哲學家龍樹帶入與這兩位歐洲哲學家的對話中,以顯示出關於暴力的議題在雙方哲學傳統中,是如何近似地被看待。在本文的研究中,第一步就是要說明暴力是如格在中觀佛教傳統下的聖傳文學中被敘述。在這裡,保羅.利科的詮釋學洞見再讓我受益,他告訴我們如何將抽象的哲學討論重新置回原本充滿象徵意涵的敘事語境中,藉以恢復已經喪失的實存感。接著,我將顯示出暴力在中觀哲學中是如何被隱默地對待,並且揭示龍樹的立場與分析:在這裡,列維納斯和德里達將被視為對話者,將空性論者一些隱而未明的洞見帶上表層。我之所以將龍樹和列維納斯、德里達放在同一場景的原因,是因為他們都對同一性形上學表現出懷疑的態度。他們都試著為暴力的處境找尋出路與開放的空問,以克服來自同一性形上學的宰制與壓迫。
Inspired by Jacques Derrida’s reading of Emmanuel Levinas in “Violence and Metaphysics,” this paper attempts to bring Nāgārjuna into a dialogue with these two European philosophers, showing how the issue of violence is viewed differently in both traditions. This first step of investigation is to look into how violence is told in the hagiographical narratives in the Madhyamika Buddhist tradition. Then I will try to see how violence is tacitly treated in Madhyamika philosophy, while Levinas and Derrida will be taken as the interlocutors to bring to the surface some hidden insights. The reason why I place Nāgārjuna, Derrida and Levinas together is that all of them show their distrust to metaphysics of the same. They all try to find the exit, the opening space, by which the oppression in metaphysics of identity can be hopefully overcome. |
Hits | 527 |
Created date | 2015.06.25 |
Modified date | 2022.08.12 |

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