鳩摩羅什《維摩詰經》實相譯語及天台疏釋之研究=A Study on Kumārajīva's Translating "Suchness" in the Vimalakirtinirdesa Sutra and Its Tiantai Interpretation |
Author |
程恭讓 (著)=Cheng, Gong-rang (au.)
Source |
華梵人文學報=Huafan Journal of Humanities
Volume | 天台學專刊 |
Date | 2013.05 |
Pages | 97 - 141 |
Publisher | 華梵大學文學院 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Keyword | 實相=suchness; 《維摩經》=Vimalakirtinirdesa Sutra; 中道實相=zhongdao-shixiang; 中道佛性=zhongdao-foxing |
Abstract | 本文是關於鳩摩羅什所譯《維摩詰所說經》中實相譯語以及羅什師弟、智顗等天台學者《維摩詰經》相關問題注疏的研究。論文首先討論了羅什的《維摩詰經》實相譯語及其在原典中的涵義,進而對羅什師弟關於該經的實相問題的理解進行了考察,在此基礎上吾人疏理了智顗《維摩詰經》實相詮釋的基本思路,並對其「中道實相」及「中道佛性」的論說的具體内涵給予了說明。在對《維摩經》漢譯暨理解中以實相為中心的一系思想做過深入細緻的討論後,吾人確定僧肇的實相詮釋沿著無為法與有為法相區分的理路展開,並不存在將實相予以實體化的任何可能。而天台對於《法華經》、《維摩詰經》兩部經典的注疏,尤其是智顗以《維摩詰經》注疏著作作為其人生終端的實相詮釋,則是漢語佛教實相思想發展的圓熟形式。要之,吾人確信,從《法華經》注疏著作延續至《維摩詰經》的有關注疏,智顗及天台一系以實相、中道、佛性三個核心概念作為基礎建構起來的佛典理解及佛學思想是一貫的。不過在《法華經》注疏系統中天台以中道貫通佛性、實相的論說方式尚不明顯,而在《維摩詰經》注疏系統中智顗這一論說傾向則表現得相當明顯。正是此點應被視為智顗《維摩詰經》注疏思想的真正進展及其特色。
This is a study tracing and examining Kumārajīva's translation of ”suchness” (shixiang) in the ”Vimalakirtinirdesa Sutra” and its influences on his disciple Seng Zhao and Tiantai master Zhiyi who is the principal founder of this Chinese Buddhist school. First, I will discuss Kumārajīva's translation of ”suchness” (shixiang) with regard to its possible meanings in related Sanskrit texts. Second, I will deal with Kumārajīva's and his disciples' exegeses of this term. Third, I will try to reveal Zhiyi's particular way of explaining this Sutra text with the specific focus on Kumārajīva's terminology of translation. Based on this, I try to interpret Zhiyi's sense and understanding of the crucial compound-terms ”zhongdao-shixiang” and ”zhongdao-foxing.” In his commentaries to the Vimalakirtinidesasutra, Zhiyi explains his understanding of the ”middle way” (zhongdao), by relating it to the meanings of ”suchness” (shixiang) and ”Buddha-nature” (foxing), which does not occur in his works on the Lotus-sutra in such a way. Based on this observation, I try to specify Zhiyi's hermeneutical approach to this particular Sutra text. |
Table of contents | 壹、引言 98 貳、關於鳩摩羅什《維摩詰經》實相譯語的考訂 99 參、《注維摩詰經》中對於實相用例的解釋 110 肆、天台《維摩詰 經》實相用例之疏釋 118 伍、中道實相與中道佛性 126 |
ISSN | 18124305 (P) |
Hits | 1146 |
Created date | 2015.12.30 |
Modified date | 2019.08.08 |
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