天台的圓頓教觀與生活的中道實踐=The "Yuandun jiaoguan" of Tiantai-Buddhism and the "Middle-Way-Practice" in Daily-Life |
Author |
尤惠貞 (著)=You, Huey-jen (au.)
Source |
華梵人文學報=Huafan Journal of Humanities
Volume | 天台學專刊 |
Date | 2013.05 |
Pages | 255 - 279 |
Publisher | 華梵大學文學院 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Keyword | 天台宗=Tiantai Buddhism; 智顗=Zhiyi; 圓頓教觀=Yuandun jiaoguan; 中道實踐=practice of the middle way; 一念三千=three thousand worlds in one thought; 一心三觀=one mind and three aspects of knowledge |
Abstract | 本文嘗試立基于天台圓頓教觀之理解與詮釋,更進一步省思生活中具體實踐天台教觀之可能途徑為何?所可能達至之效能如何?本文論述之方式與進路,由生活的中道實踐之義理依據切入,綜述天台圓頓教觀之義涵;其次,則是面對圓頓教觀之生活實踐場域,亦即立基于對天台教觀之義理的理解與掌握,進而對應生活中的諸多情境省思圓頓教觀具體落實之可能。再者,由如此的論述與探究,更進而藉由歷緣對境中道實踐之實作規畫與實例論析,希冀能具體地彰顯圓頓教觀與中道實踐相即不二之圓教特質與精神。 In this paper, I try to discuss and examine the potential and possibility of our practicing the ”perfect teaching” in daily life according to the views of Chinese Tiantai-Buddhism (”Yuandun jiaoguan”). The approach used in this paper addresses the fundamental doctrine of the ”middle way” practices in our daily life, to highlight the sense of the ”perfect teaching” in Tiantai-Buddhism. I will discuss the possible application of Tiantai-practices in concrete daily live situations, highlighting the practical sense of the ”middle way” as the essential of the Tiantai-teaching. |
Table of contents | 壹、本文關懷的議題與論述之進路 256 貳、生活中道實踐之圓頓教觀依據 258 參、圓頓教觀中道實踐的生活場域 263 肆、歷緣對境中道實踐之實作規畫 268 伍、圓頓教觀與中道實踐相即不二 274 |
ISSN | 18124305 (P) |
Hits | 562 |
Created date | 2015.12.31 |
Modified date | 2019.08.08 |

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