The bibliographic record is provided by 李玉珉老師.
西夏王國的星宿崇拜─聖彼得堡艾爾米塔什博物館黑水城藏品分析=Planet Cult in The Tangut Kingdom |
Author |
Source |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research
Volume | n.4 (總號=n.86) |
Date | 2004.08 |
Pages | 63 - 70 |
Publisher | 敦煌研究編輯部 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 蘭州, 中國 [Lanzhou, China] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Keyword | 星宿崇拜; 熾盛光佛圖; 星曼荼羅; 密教; 曼荼羅=Maṇḍala; 西夏繪畫; 黑水城 |
Abstract | 艾爾米塔什博物館與俄羅斯科學院東方學研究所圣彼得堡分所的黑水城藏品中有 1 2幅表現星神的作品。本文第一次全面披露這批珍藏 ,并從文化、宗教、造像和風格等角度出發 ,對這些作品進行排比、考察分析其布局和圖像的演變 ,從而揭示出 1 1世紀至 1 4世紀中亞與漢地流行的星宿崇拜的真實面貌。它們以漢式為主體 ,同時結合了希臘、印度與中亞的創造 ,呈現為一種“十字交匯文化”。
There are totally 12 pieces of paintings that were presented with the subject of God of heavenly body among the archaeological collections from Khara Khoto which are hold at the State Hermitage Museum and the Branch Institute of Oriental Study Institute of The Academy of Science of Russian in St Petersburg Respectively. It is the first time to publishing the whole collections from Khar Khoto to public. This article is trying to making a very careful study on the art collections one by one and showing its great significances in culture, religion, art of images and sculpture and the art style by studying the graphical arrangement and the graphics changes. Then this article is describing a realistic situation and popular trend of worshipping of heavenly body at the vast area of the Central Asia and China during 11th to 14th century to us based on the study. The trend of worshipping of the heavenly body is to be find to had consisted manifold cultural elements, main body of the worship are Chinese culture feature and at the same time, it had combined the cultural elements from Greek , Indian and the Central Asia. Those manifold cultural features combined the force together and had created a rich interlaced culture of heavenly body worshipping. |
ISSN | 10004106 (P) |
Categories | 佛教圖像; 繪畫 |
Dynasty | 西夏 |
Regions | 內蒙古(額濟納旗黑水城遺址) |
Hits | 453 |
Created date | 2016.05.12 |
Modified date | 2018.03.15 |

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