Author |
席琳 (著)=Xi, Lin (au.)
Source |
考古與文物=Archaeology and Cultural Relics
Volume | n.6 |
Date | 2014.12 |
Pages | 41 - 48 |
Publisher | 陜西省考古研究所 |
Location | 西安, 中國 [Xi'an, China] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 作者單位:陝西省考古研究院 |
Keyword | 吐蕃=Tubo; 毘廬遮那=Vairocana; 八大菩薩=Eight Bodhisattvas |
Abstract | 毘盧遮那是吐蕃時期最流行的佛教信仰和造像題材之一,共有四種圖像組合方式。其中禪定印毘盧遮那與八大菩薩的組合最為典型,目前可以確認的圖像共有6組。排列方式為毘盧遮那居中,八大菩薩分列左右兩側,這也是吐蕃時期相近組合造像的基本排列原則。吐蕃時期,毘盧遮那和八大菩薩作為組合獨立出現的文獻依據是吐蕃密教經典。通過對相關密教經典與文獻的分析可知,敦煌以及西藏東部、青海地區吐蕃時期禪定印毘盧遮那與八大菩薩組合圖像應當直接受到了敦煌古藏文寫卷PT7a、PT108等與毘盧遮那崇拜有關的密教經典的影響。
There are four varieties in the iconographic combination of vairocana. Among them, the combination of dhyana-mudra vairocana and eight bodhisattvas——which has a total of 6 cases in data that have been found so far——is the most typical one. In the image, Dhyana-mudra vairocana is situated in the center and eight bodhisattvas line up on the left and right sides. This arrangement is identical to the principle of combination in other images dating to the Tubo period. The combination of these nine figurines presents a mandala according to the Tubo version of Esoteric Buddhism sutras. By comparing the iconography to other relevant sutras, the author concludes that the combination of dhyana-mudra vairocana and eight bodhisattvas in the Tubo period was generated under the influence of variocana workship which can be found in Dunhuang Tubo manuscripts such as P. T. 7a and P. T. 108. |
Table of contents | 一、分佈與概況 41 (一) 敦煌地區 41 1. 敦煌絹畫ch. 0074 ( Stein Painting 50) 41 2. 安西榆林窟25 窟東壁壁畫 41 (二) 玉樹地區 42 (三) 昌都地區 43 1. 丹瑪劄摩崖造像 43 2. 次曲拉康造像 44 3. 朗巴朗增拉康造像 44 二、圖像排列方式 45 三、相關密教經典分析 45 1.《佛頂尊勝陀羅尼念誦儀軌法》中的「九位元」造像系統 45 2.《八大菩薩曼荼羅經》47 四、敦煌密教文獻分析 48 1. 密教無上瑜伽文獻寫本 48 2. 與毘廬遮那崇拜有關的文獻 48 |
ISSN | 10007830 (P) |
Categories | 佛教圖像 |
Dynasty | 吐蕃 |
Hits | 311 |
Created date | 2017.03.22 |
Modified date | 2019.10.21 |
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