《圓覺經》的真偽之爭新辨=The New Analysis on the Authenticity of the Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment |
Author |
楊維中 (著)=Yang, Wei-zhong (au.)
Source |
西北大學學報 (哲學社會科學版)=Journal of Northwest University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
Volume | v.46 n.3 |
Date | 2016.05 |
Pages | 35 - 40 |
Publisher | 西北大學學報編輯部 |
Location | 西安, 中國 [Xi'an, China] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 作者單位:南京大學中美文化研究中心 |
Keyword | 圓覺經=Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment; 漢譯本=Chinese translation scriptures; 宗密=Zong Mi; 真偽=authenticity |
Abstract | 《圓覺經》的翻譯是由個別僧人自發組織的「民間譯場」完成的。完成之後,未履行向朝廷申報入藏程序,也未編訂記載此經翻譯過程的經錄,或者可能編訂但流傳不廣。古代佛教史家依據言必有據的原則書寫,將有些許矛盾的傳言都記錄在案。其後,宗密訪得流通於教界的《圓覺經》抄本並且多方收集當時的注疏,據此編撰《圓覺經大疏鈔》等著作。此經逐漸在教界流通,對唐中後期的中國佛教產生了重大影響。智昇、宗密僅僅懷疑此經翻譯過程記載的不完全或者舛誤,從未曾懷疑《圓覺經》的「真經」身份。當代學者以古代文獻記載分歧為由,以自己所認定的佛教某些派系的思想為準,將其判為「偽經」,是缺乏說服力的。
The Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment was translated under the common circumstance that the country came to organize and several monks then completed by organizing spontaneously in the form of "folk translation workplace". But after completing, the monks didn't implement the procedure to declare the translation into Buddhist Scriptures. Also, they didn't compile and revise the record of the translation process, or they did it but unfortunately, the translation scripture couldn't be collected by Zhi Sheng or someone else. On the basis of "writing with reason" principle, the ancient Buddhist historians recorded the words which showed the reciprocal contradiction of the translation. After that, Zong Mi got the writing scripture of the Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment which was circulated in the Buddhist area and he also collected the exegesis of the scripture. Then, he came out with the book A Complete Commentary on Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment and some other books. Being published, the book was circulated gradually in the Buddhist area and it laid great emphasis on the Chinese Buddhism in the mid-Tang dynasty. Zhi Sheng and Zong Mi simply doubted the insufficiency and errors of the record of the translation process but never doubted the authenticity of the Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment. The modern scholars have excused the divergence of the ancient documents and standardized themselves in the consideration of Buddhist factions, and then came out with the conclusion that the Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment was a "fake scripture". This result lacks persuasion. |
Table of contents | 一、經錄所載《圓覺經》的翻譯過程 35 二、宗密有關《圓覺經》翻譯的記載 36 三、《圓覺經》「疑偽說」駁難 38 參考文獻 39 |
ISSN | 10002731 (P); 10002731 (E) |
Hits | 936 |
Created date | 2017.03.24 |
Modified date | 2019.10.03 |
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