潙仰宗禪法的華嚴意涵=A Study of Huayan Thought in the Teachings of the Weiyang Lineage of the Chinese Chan School |
Author |
劉貴傑 (撰)=Liu, Kuei-chieh (compose)
Source |
哲學與文化=Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture
Volume | v.43 n.3 |
Date | 2016.03.01 |
Pages | 137 - 152 |
Publisher | 哲學與文化月刊雜誌社 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 作者為國立新竹教育大學環境與文化資源學系教授。 |
Keyword | 事理不二=Identity of Principle and Phenomena; 理事無礙=Unimpededness of Principle and Phenomena; 一多相即=Identity of One and Many; 本覺真心=True Mind of Original Enlightenment; 實際理地=the Sphere of Reality |
Abstract | 潙仰宗是中國禪宗的一個支派,為禪宗五家之一。創始人為唐代靈祐(771-853)與慧寂(807-883)師徒,因靈祐住湖南潙山,慧寂住江西仰山,故稱潙仰宗。此宗門風謹嚴,隨機施教,其禪法重在單刀直入,返照心源,從而由體顯用,臻於理事如如之境。在禪宗五家中,潙仰宗興起最早,衰亡也最早,傳承六世以下,史籍不載,湮沒無聞,其法脈延續,大約一百五十年(自唐代下半葉至北宋初年)。中唐以來,華嚴宗即保有其佛教修學的影響力。一方面因為有義學僧伽專習《華嚴》經教,另一方面由於禪宗僧人也重視對華嚴學的創用。所以,有些禪僧每多藉資華嚴義理來闡揚禪法。潙仰宗的一些禪僧受到華嚴教學的影響,對華嚴宗的義理也有頗多攝受。因為並非所有潙仰宗禪僧都資取華嚴經教以弘揚禪法,況且這方面的原始文獻實在太過寡少,所以本文僅就該宗援引華嚴以入禪法的潙山靈祐、仰山慧寂兩位禪師的語錄中與華嚴經教、華嚴義理相關的垂示,論述兩位禪師將華嚴與禪法加以聯結,闡明其禪法的華嚴意涵,從而呈現潙仰宗禪法的圓融特色。
The Weiyang school is a lineage of the Chinese Chan school,it is one of the "five houses" of Chan. Its founders are the Tang dynastymaster Lingyou (771-853) and his disciple Huiji (807-883). SinceLingyou used to live on Wei mountain in Hunan, and Huji lived on Yangmountain in Jiangxi, their lineage is called the Weiyang school. TheChan style of this school was strict and direct, aiming at insight into thesource of the mind, in order to accomplish the state of thusness thatmeans harmony of the absolute and phenomena. The Weiyang schoolwas the earliest of the five houses of Chan, and it was the first todisappear. After six generations historical records ended during the earlySong dynasty. Since the middle of the Tang dynasty, the Huayan schoolstill exerted its influence on Buddhist study and practice. On the onehand, there were erudite monks who specialized in the study ofHuayan’s thought. On the other hand, monks belonging to the Chanschool also emphasized the study of Huayan. Therefore, a number ofChan monks relied on the Huayan teachings when they expounded theirmethod of Chan practice. Several masters of the Weiyang school wereinfluenced by Huayan teachings to a considerable degree, and theyabsorbed numerous concepts from the Huayan school. Since not all ofthe masters of this school were influenced by Huayan thought andhistorical records are sparse, this study only discusses the combining andblending of Chan teachings and Huayan thought as manifest in therecords of the teachings of Weishan Lingyou and Yangshan Huiji, inorder to explain the Huayan characteristics of their Chan teachings. |
Table of contents | 壹、前言 137 貳、潙山靈祐禪法的華嚴意涵 138 參、仰山慧寂禪法的華嚴意涵 144 肆、結語 148 |
ISSN | 10158383 (P); 10158383 (E) |
Hits | 532 |
Created date | 2017.05.15 |
Modified date | 2017.10.24 |

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