《阿彌陀三耶三佛薩樓佛檀過度人道經》經題考=A study on the title of Amituo Sanyesanfo Sa Lou Fo Tan Guodu Rendao Jing |
Author |
李周淵=Li, Zhou-yuan
Source |
正觀雜誌=Satyabhisamaya: A Buddhist Studies Quarterly
Volume | n.87 |
Date | 2018.12.25 |
Pages | 48 - 87 |
Publisher | 正觀雜誌社 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 南投縣, 臺灣 [Nantou hsien, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Keyword | 阿彌陀經=Amitābha-sūtra; 薩樓佛檀=Sa Lou Fo Tan; 梵漢對音=Sanskrit-Chinese transcription; 一切佛=all buddhas; 一切世界=all the worlds |
Abstract | 《阿彌陀三耶三佛薩樓佛檀過度人道經》(T362)翻譯於西元3世紀中期之前,是現存漢譯佛典中最古老的淨土經典。長久以來,此經經題的意義一直少人探討,而解讀此經題最大的困難在於音譯詞「薩樓佛檀」。 首先,西元515年左右成書的《出三藏記集》所記載的是「薩樓檀」,而西元700年左右成書的《無量壽經連義述文贊》記載的則是「薩樓佛檀」,因此在解讀經題時,需要考慮有這兩種不同的情況。 其次,本經的原典語言,很可能是印度的俗語,根據本經的其他用例、印度語音演變的規則以及初期漢譯佛典梵漢對音的規則,可以構擬「薩樓(佛)檀」所對應的梵語是*Th/S...L/R/Ṭ/Ḍ/D...D/T...的形式。 最後,從以上成果出發,提出一種相對合理的可能性,即「薩樓檀」所對應的梵語是Sarvalokadhātu(一切世界),而經題「阿彌陀三耶三佛薩樓檀過度人道」對應的梵語接近於*Amitābha-Samyaksaṃbuddha-Sarvalokadhātu-Manuṣya-Parimocaka,是多個佛陀稱號的並列,大意為「救濟一切世界人類之正等正覺阿彌陀佛」。
Amituo Sanyesanfo Sa Lou Fo Tan Guodu Rendao Jing(阿彌 陀三耶三佛薩樓佛檀過度人道經) (T362), translated before the middle of the 3rd century AD, is the oldest Pure Land scripture in the existing Chinese Buddhist canons. For a long time, the meaning of this title has been seldom discussed, and the biggest difficulty in interpreting this title is in the transcription "Sa Lou Fo Tan"(薩樓佛檀)
Firstly, the Chu Sanzang Jiji (出三藏記集), which was published in about 515 AD, recorded "Sa Lou Tan"(薩樓檀). The Wuliangshou Jing Lianyi Shuwen Zan(無量壽經連義述文贊), which was completed in 700 AD, recorded "Sa Lou Fo Tan"(薩樓佛檀). Therefore, two different situations should be considered when interpreting the title.
Secondly, according to the other cases in the sūtra and in terms of the rules of the evolution of Indian phonetics and the rules of Sanskrit-Chinese transcription,We analyzed the sanskrit word corresponding to “Sa”, “Lou” and “(Fo) Tan” one by one.It can be concluded that the Sanskrit form corresponding to "Sa Lou (Fo) Tan" must be *th/sa...l/r/ṭ/ḍ/d...d/t....
Finally, based on the results, this article suggest that the sanskrit corresponding to “Sa Lou Tan” is Skt. sarvalokadhātu (all the worlds). In this case, Amituo Sanyesanfo Sa Lou Fo Tan Guodu Rendao (阿彌陀三耶三佛薩樓佛檀過度人道) means "the perfectly enlighened Amitābha Buddha who saves human beings in all the worlds", and the Sanskrit title could be presumed as “Amitābha-samyaksaṃbuddha-sarvalokadhātu-manuṣya-parimocaka”.
Table of contents | 一、引言 50 二、前人研究 52 三、經題來源 54 四、梵漢對音 57 (一)「薩」 58 (二)「樓」 59 (三)「檀」 61 1. 「佛檀」對應 Skt. buddha 61 2. 「分檀布施」對應 Skt. dāna 64 五、梵語構擬 67 (一)「檀」的用法與經文一致 67 (二)「檀」的用法與經文不一致 74 六、結論 80 【略語說明】 81 參考資料 81 |
ISSN | 16099575 (P) |
Hits | 691 |
Created date | 2019.04.16 |
Modified date | 2019.05.14 |
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