洞鑑古今、高瞻遠矚 : 論星雲大師藝術思想對人間佛教的貢獻=Examining the Past and Present, Envisioning the Future: A Study on Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s Theory of Art and Its Contributions to Humanistic Buddhism |
Author |
狄其安 =Di, Qian
Source |
Date | 2019.06.28 |
Pages | 514 - 531 |
Publisher | 佛光山人間佛教研究院 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 高雄市, 臺灣 [Kaohsiung shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 會議論文=Proceeding Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 1.作者為上海大學音樂系教授 |
Keyword | 佛教藝術=Buddhist art; 佛教藝術=statue; 雕塑=sculpture; 石刻=stone carving; 梵唄=hymn |
Abstract | 佛教傳入中國,不僅帶來了釋迦牟尼佛所說的教法,同時還帶來了佛教的藝術,其中包括造像藝術、雕塑藝術,以及音樂藝術等。而如今的宗教,能否再為人類留下美輪美奐的藝術精品?一位傑出的宗教領袖應該具有洞鑑古今、高瞻遠矚的目光,在傳播宗教的同時,還要思考這方面的問題,即在當下如何通過宗教作為藝術創作載體,為後人留下優秀的藝術作品。本文著重點是對台灣佛光山開山星雲大師的藝術思想進行學習與研究,從而分析星雲大師藝術思想對人間佛教的貢獻。
Together with the teachings of Sakyamuni Buddha, Buddhist arts in the form of sculpture, music, and others were conveyed as Buddhism spread to China. In this modern time, the question whether religion could produce beautiful pieces of art for humanity arises. A great religious leader must be capable of examining the past and present, as well as envisioning the future. In the propagation of Dharma, such a leader may use the teachings of the religion as the inspiration and means of art-making, thereby leaving a legacy for future generations. This paper focuses on Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s theory of art and an analysis of its contributions to Humanistic Buddhism. |
Table of contents | 一、序言 516 二、佛教藝術的主要內容及範圍 517 三、星雲大師對佛教藝術的認識與貢獻 519 (一)傳統佛教藝術的保護措施 521 (二)創造具有時代特徵的佛教藝術 523 四、保護與創造佛教藝術的意義 526 五、結語 528 (一)保護傳承佛教文化遺產 528 (二)創造新時代的佛教藝術 529 參考書目 530 |
Hits | 939 |
Created date | 2019.07.12 |
Modified date | 2019.07.23 |

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