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《菩提道次第廣論》之道次第內涵應用於生命教育之探究 - 以新北市林口國中生命教育課程為例=A Research of Applying the Connotation in "The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment" to Life Education, Implemented on the Life Education Courses of the Lin-Kou Junior High School in the New Taipei City as an Example
Author 范敏峯 (撰)=Fan, Min-feng (compose)
Publisher Url
Location嘉義縣, 臺灣 [Chia-i hsien, Taiwan]
Content type博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
Publication year105
Keyword生命教育=life education; 廣論=Lam Rim Chen Mo; 道次第=the stages of path to enlightenment; 宗喀巴=song-kha-pa
Abstract  包括生命教育在內,所有的世間教育,都是為了讓每一個生命都可以離苦得樂。佛法是唯一真正可以離苦得樂之道,最好的生命教育就是佛法。《菩提道次第廣論》是宗喀巴總攝大乘佛法顯教教義的重要論著,其中詳述了三士道次的內涵理念,自下而上、由淺入深、循序漸進。若能以此殊勝教法為根本,將其道次第理念實際應用於世間生命教育之課程規劃,將會是佛法與世間教育的完美結合。新北市林口國中從民國92年(2003)開始實施以《菩提道次第廣論》道次第為規劃主軸之生命教育課程,本文以思想研究法探討林口國中如何以《菩提道次第廣論》道次第內涵規劃國中的生命教育課程,並透過邀稿及採訪以了解其實施成效。研究結果顯示,林口國中依據《菩提道次第廣論》道次第整體內容,選取適合國中生條件之議題,設計知見與行持並重的教學活動,規劃出具有道次第內涵之生命教育課程。透過長期實施此課程,實施成效相當卓越,包括學生在學期間以及畢業後的學習與就業過程,都產生明顯正向的影響,也受到家長、教師、行政人員及其他教育人士的肯定。林口國中的案例顯示,以《菩提道次第廣論》道次第內涵為主軸,規劃出適合一般國中的生命教育課程,不但是可行而且是優越的,可以在某種層次上達到入世佛法的教學期待,產生的殊勝利益將無可限量。

  In general, the worldly education, including life education, aims to help every single life to abandon suffering and obtain happiness. Since Buddhism is one and the only way to achieve such status, it is indeed the ideal model for life education. Lam Rim Chen Mo is Tsong-kha-pa’s most important treatise on Mahayana. It provides a clear definition and insight of a division of Buddhist practitioners into beings of three scopes, based upon the motivation of their religious activity, with a sequence of bottom-up and easy-to-difficult ways. If we can apply this precious teaching to our curriculum design for life education, it will surely be a perfect combination for Buddhist teachings and worldly education.
  In 2003, New Taipei Municipal Linkou Junior High school launched its first life education curriculum design centered on the stages of path to enlightenment from Lamrim. This study employs ideological research method to discuss how Linkou Junior High school proceeds it and how the effectiveness of the design is with feedbacks and interviews. Linkou Junior High school adopts the core concepts from Lamrim, selects topics and issues that suit junior high students the most, drafts teaching activities on both to-know and to-do and schemes out life education curriculum design with teaching objectives on the stages of path to eenlightenment. The study result shows great positive impact on students’performance not only when they are in school but also after they graduate. Furthermore, it receives support from parents, teachers, school staff and other related people. The case study of Linkou Junior High school indicates that life education curriculum design focusing on the content of Lamrim and at the same time, fitting for junior high students is both applicable and exceptional. To some extend, it meets the expectation of incorporating Buddhist teachings into worldly education. Thus, the great unlimited benefits follow.
Table of contents謝誌 I
摘要 II
Abstract III
目次 IV
表目次 VI

第一章緒論 1
第一節研究動機與目的 1
第二節研究方法 3
第三節文獻回顧 3
第四節論文架構 11
第二章現代生命教育的思想與目標 13
第一節生命的本質 13
第二節生命教育的意義與價值 18
第三節生命教育的目標與內容 19
第三章《菩提道次第廣論》道次第的意義與生命教育思想 21
第一節《菩提道次第廣論》道次第的思想架構 21
第二節《菩提道次第廣論》道次第的生命教育思想 24
第四章新北市林口國中生命教育課程之規劃與實施 29
第一節緣起 29
第二節課程大綱 29
第三節教學方法 31
第四節課程內容 36
第五節實施狀況 37
第六節實施成效及影響 44
第七節未來發展 55
第五章結論 59
第一節以《廣論》道次第內涵規劃生命教育課程之可行性 59
第二節各級學校以《廣論》道次第內涵規劃生命教育課程之建議 59

參考文獻 61
(一)經典 61
(二)專書 61
(三)期刊論文 62
(四)網路資料 63

附件一:《菩提道次第廣論科判表》 65
附件二:普通高級中學選修科目「生命教育」課程綱要 74
附件三:林口國中生命教育課程表 77
附件四:謝師感恩茶會活動流程 93
附件五:學生A 95
附件六:學生B 102
附件七:學生C 108
附件八:學生D 111
附件九:學生E 114
附件十:學生F 116
附件十一:學生G 119
附件十二:學生H 121
附件十三:學生I~L 123
附件十四:家長 125
附件十五:教師A~M 126
附件十六:教師N~P(主任) 132
附件十七:教師Q(退休校長) 134
附件十八:獎狀 138
附件十九:推廣紀錄 140
附件二十:家庭聯絡簿 141
附件二十一:生命教育教學設計-因果法則 142
附件二十二:教師R(學務主任) 144
Created date2020.02.12
Modified date2023.01.09

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