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《梵網經》菩薩道之修道次第研究 ── 以靈源法師之《梵網經菩薩戒》為核心=A Study on the bodhisattva path in《The *Brahmajāla Sūtra》— Centered around Venerable Ling-Yuan’s Annotations on the Bodhisattva Precepts
Author 釋果興 (撰)=Shi, Guo-shings (compose)
Publisher Url
Location新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
Content type博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
Publication year105
Keyword《梵網經》=《The *Brahmajāla Sūtra》; 菩薩道=Bodhisattva path; 修道次第=The phases of cultivation; 菩薩戒=Bodhisattva precepts; 靈源法師=Venerable Ling-yuan

In 1965, Venerable Ling-yuan published a contemporary annotation on the Brahmajāla Sūtra at the Da-Jyue Chan Monastery. After studying the theories and teachings of Tiandai and Huayan schools recently, the author realize that this exegesis actually explains the cultivation procedures of the bodhisattva path . In this study, six contemporary commentaries on the Brahmajāla Sūtra were collected for comparing the differences among them. Nonetheless, three different perspectives of introduction were found: the humanistic ethics, precepts/śīla towards liberation, and the cultivation procedures of the bodhisattva path. A subsequent effort was applied to review the relevant literature contiguously yet only works on bodhisattva precepts ( in the Brahmajāla Sūtra ) found, nothing related to the cultivation procedures of the bodhisattva path. As《The Brahmajāla Sūtra》proposes simultaneously ”the bodhisattva precepts” and ”the bodhisattva path, the orientation of this study is positioned on the cultivation procedurs of the bodhisattva path in the Brahmajāla Sūtra -- centered around the Venerable’s annotations on the bodhisattva precepts.
The newly collated《Brahmajāla Bodhisattva śīla Sūtra》by Venerable Ling-yuan enables the author to realize that the Venerable actually assembled those commentaries mentioned above in his work, which includes Tiandai, Huayen, Consciousness-only (Yogācāra), Chan, Vinaya, and Pure-land schools, etc. Drawing from the result of this study, the Venerable integrated all ideologies, without contradiction, to develop his view for the procedures of cultivation on one hand and to enable affinity between the aspirated practitioners/beginners with the orderly procedure of the bodhisattva path on the other. Besides, his method discloses the procedural gradualness, and his discourse covers sudden and perfect teachings. Therefore, this Brahmajāla Sūtra could most likely be a paradigm in Chinese Buddhism for the cultivation procedures on the Buddha path.
This study points out the key points of the bodhisattva precepts and additionally reveals the direct liaison between the bodhisattva precepts and the procedures of cultivating the bodhisattva path. Furthermore, the Venerable’s book on bodhisattva precepts (bodhisattva śīla ) of the《Brahmajāla Sūtra》covers the humanistic ethics, the precepts/śīla towards liberation in procedures of cultivating the bodhisattva path. From an extensive viewpoint , as the provenance of the sutras is related to “Pāramī”, the bodhisattva path in the Theravada Buddhism, whence following the sudden and perfect teachings in Chinese Buddhism, the syncretism between the Theravada and the Chinese Buddhism on the bodhisattva path could be achieved to form a Buddhist altruistic “universal ethics” and be able to provide a set of harmonious dialogue principles under the circumstance of oppositions among the contemporary diverse religions.
Table of contents第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 當代學者的研究成果回顧 3
一、菩薩道次第的經典 3
二、梵網經之研討 7
三、白話註解梵網經 9
第三節 問題意識與研究方法 13
一、問題意識 13
二、研究方法、範圍 14
第四節 論文章節之鋪排 15
第二章 靈源法師之弘法生涯 17
第一節 靈源之生平簡譜 18
一、出生背景與學佛因緣 18
二、出家修行與學教歷程 19
三、來台弘化與修持傳承 20
四、小結 23
第二節 靈源之著作概說 25
一、《山居雜語》 25
二、《淨業綱要》 27
三、《梵網經集義句解》 29
四、《大覺小志》 31
五、《靈源夢話集》 32
六、《心經集註》及《佛菩薩聖像畫集》 33
七、小結 36
第三節 靈源之修行經驗 37
一、靈源法師之師資傳承 37
二、初出家時之專修淨土 38
三、進修華嚴之法界大淨土 40
四、後歸禪淨之唯心大淨土 42
五、小結 43
第四節 《梵網經》之科文 45
一、三分科經之段落 45
二、上卷句解之重點 47
三、下卷句解之重點 50
四、小結 53
第三章 菩薩道之修道次第 55
第一節 信位之菩薩道 55
一、經典所說之信位 55
二、《梵網經》所說之信位 62
三、小結 67
第二節 次第之菩薩道 68
一、疏不疏《梵網經》上卷 68
二、戒知賢聖四十心地次第 70
三、次第所說有九處會 74
四、小結 80
第三節 圓頓之菩薩道 81
一、第十處會 81
二、諸宗註疏 83
三、小結 91
第四章 菩薩戒之修道次第 93
第一節 心地聖戒之要義 93
一、人間說戒 93
二、重頌戒品 95
三、小結 96
第二節 十重戒與三聚淨戒之關係 97
一、前四條共戒之重點 97
二、三聚淨戒之涵攝範圍 99
三、後六條不共戒之開緣 101
四、小結 103
第三節 十門四十八輕戒 105
一、十門分類的特色 105
二、四十八輕戒的重點 106
三、小結 111
第四節 預階賢聖的誓願 112
一、菩薩誓願 112
二、願得好師 115
三、十無盡藏 116
四、結讚流通 118
五、小結 121
第五章 結論 123
一、靈源法師之弘法貢獻 123
二、菩薩道之修道次第 124
三、菩薩戒之修道次第 127
四、未來可能研究之方向 130
參考文獻 131
附錄 135
[附錄一] 靈源法師簡譜(1902~1988) 135
[附錄二] 《梵網經》上卷之新舊科文比對 146
[附錄三] 《梵網經》下卷之新舊科文比對 159
Created date2020.02.19
Modified date2023.01.07

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