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「白色恐怖」下的辦學與弘法 ── 慈航法師主持「臺灣佛學院」與環島布教(1950–1952)=Education Establishment and Promulgation on Buddhism under the “White Terror”: “Buddhist College in Taiwan” and Promulgation around Taiwan Organized by Venerable Cihang |
Author |
闞正宗 =Kan, Cheng-Zong
Source |
人間佛教研究=International Journal for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism
Volume | n.8 |
Date | 2017 |
Pages | 203 - 223 |
Publisher | 中文大學出版社 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 香港, 中國 [Hong Kong, China] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 闞正宗,佛光大學助理教授。KAN, Cheng Zong is Assistant Professor of Fo Guang University. |
Keyword | 慈航=Cihang; 臺灣=Taiwan; 彌勒內院=Mile Neiyuan; 白色恐怖=White terror; 環島布教=promulgation around Taiwan |
Abstract | 1948年10月,慈航法師(1893–1954)應中壢圓光寺妙果和尚(1884–1963)之邀,從新加坡來臺主持「臺灣佛學院」,僅半年而解散。1949年國共內戰國府失利,同年5月20日臺灣全島戒嚴,開始肅清島內共產黨潛伏勢力,大陸來臺人員首當其衝。1949年6月,因「匪諜事件」與一群大陸來臺學僧繫獄月餘。出獄後直至同年底之前,仍是風聲鶴唳,居無定所,直到靜修禪院玄光(1903–1997)、達心(1898–1956)二師允建彌勒內院後,慈航法師方得逐漸安頓。大約在1950年春,因洗刷疑似「匪諜」嫌疑,各界緇素競相邀請弘法。1950年8月,彌勒內院落成之前,慈師曾應臺灣省佛教分會理事長宋修振(1911–?)之邀,作一環島演講。彌勒內院落成後一年,1951年9月,受政府委託,與甘珠爾瓦(1914–1978)一行六人,下鄉宣傳反共抗俄國策,並宣揚佛法。在1952年9月閉關彌勒內院之前,這兩場大規模的弘法具有相當性的指標意義。1950年6月,韓戰爆發,最終在1953年7月兩韓簽署停戰協議,為防止共產主義輸出,1954年12月初,國府與美國簽訂「中美共同防禦條約」。韓戰轉移了中共犯臺的注意力,而「中美共同防禦條約」則保持了臺海和平數十年。本文旨在探討慈航法師主持「臺灣佛學院」解散後所遭遇的「白色恐怖」,以及汐止彌勒內院落成前後,1950年夏與1951年秋的兩場環島的布教活動。
As being invited by Venerable Miaoguo (1884–1952) of Yuanguang Temple at Zhongli, Venerable Cihang came from Singapore to Taiwan to organize “Buddhist College in Taiwan” on October, 1948. However, the college was dismissed after six months. He was in prison for more than one month. After being discharged from prison and before the end of the year, the social circumstance was unstable. The Venerable was homeless until he met Venerable Xuanguang (1903–1997) and Venerable Daxin (1989–1956) of the Chan Temple Jingxiu where the two masters allowed him to establish a Buddhist temple entitled Mile Neiyuan. After this, Venerable Cihang was gradually settled down. Around the spring of 1950, since Venerable Cihang cleared himself from a title of “emissary of mainland China” of which he was under suspicion, he was invited to give lectures and talks by many people. Before the Mile Neiyuan was established, Venerable Cihang was invited by Mr. Song Xiuzhen (1911–?), who was the director-general of a branch of Buddhist Association of Taiwan province, to give talks around Taiwan in August, 1950. One year after the establishment of the Mile Neiyuan, he was appointed by the government and promulgated the idea of rebels to mainland China and Russia as well as preaching Buddhism on rural areas with Ganzhu Waer (1914–1978) and other six people in September, 1951. Before the Mile Neiyuan was closed in September, 1952, the two great promulgations on Buddhism were greatly significant. This article will discuss about the “white terror” that Venerable Cihang encountered after the “Buddhist College of Taiwan,” which was organized by him, was dismissed. In addition, the article will discuss about the two promulgations on Buddhism around Taiwan in the spring of 1950 and the fall of 1951 after the establishment of the Mile Neiyuan at Xizhi. |
ISSN | 2223800X (P) |
Hits | 902 |
Created date | 2020.03.05 |
Modified date | 2023.02.15 |
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