「人間淨土」的反思=Critical Reflections on “Pure Land on Earth” |
Author |
越建東 (著)=Yit, Kin-tung (au.)
Source |
聖嚴研究:第四輯=Studies of Master Sheng Yen Vol.4
Date | 2013.11 |
Pages | 131 - 159 |
Publisher | 法鼓文化 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
Series | 聖嚴思想論叢 |
Series No. | 4 |
Content type | 專題研究論文=Research Paper |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 本文係屬「二○一一年聖嚴思想小型研究計畫案」 作者單位:國立中山大學通識教育中心暨哲學研究所副教授=Associate Professor, Center for General Education / Institute of Philosophy, National Sun Yat-sen University |
Keyword | 人間淨土=pure land on earth; 聖嚴=Sheng yen; 唯心淨土=pure land in mind; 穢土=impure land |
Abstract | 「人間淨土」除了具有社會關懷的貢獻之外,是否有所謂的終極意義?本文希望從佛教義理和現實關懷的角度,去反思「人間淨土」的真正本質為何?我們如何知道其實現的可能性?其中提出許多值得探討的問題,如: 1.「人間淨土」是要徹底地改變此土的性質,使之轉變成類似真正淨土的環境? 2. 這種淨土,與他方淨土或佛國淨土有何異同之處? 3. 人間本來就是「穢土」,本性充滿著五濁,穢土如何可能變成淨土? 4. 人間淨土的理想實際上與北俱盧洲有什麼根本上的差別? 5. 「唯心淨土」或「自心淨土」是一般人可以達到的境界嗎?個人內心清淨而體驗到淨土的想法,如何造成外在的環境與社會也自動轉變成淨土? 6. 現行「人間淨土」的建設所能達成的目標與限制為何?能達成什麼樣標準的淨土?
This paper attempts to make critical reflections on the ultimate character and meaning of the “Pure Land on Earth” (PLE). What is its true nature? How do we know the possibility of its finalization? Many questions and issues are to be discussed, including: the equivalence of PLE and other Buddhist pure lands, the prospect of transforming the nature of this “impure land”, the difference between the ideal PLE and the world of Uttarakuru, etc. We could also ask: how can the inner experience of “pure land in mind” be realized by ordinary people, and what mechanism to ensure that this will bring about significant impact on transforming the outer environment? Next, it is interesting to investigate the current plans or proposals for accomplishing the PLE, such as the Six Ethics of the Mind and the Fivefold Spiritual Renaissance Campaign. What will they achieve, and to what extent or according to what standard can these achievements be called “pure land”? Criticism and solutions on the above issues will be examined. |
Table of contents | 一、前言 132 二、現有「人間淨土」研究成果評析 133 三、聖嚴法師對「人間淨土」的主要論述 136 四、「人間淨土」在本質和理論層面可能呈現的問題 141 五、現行「人間淨土」的建設所能達成的目標與限制 151 六、結論:人間式淨土或淨土式人間? 156 英文摘要 159
Hits | 566 |
Created date | 2020.10.08 |
Modified date | 2021.07.27 |
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