靜坐練習投入時間與人格特質的關係探討=A Study on the Relationship of Meditation Practice to Personality |
Author |
李長燦 (著)
王秀美 (著)
Source |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science
Volume | v.21 n.2 |
Date | 2020.09.01 |
Pages | 68 - 83 |
Publisher | 圓覺文教基金會 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Keyword | 人格特質=personality; 靜坐=meditation; 靜坐練習時間= meditation practice |
Abstract | 本研究以迴歸分析統計方式探討靜坐練習時間與人格特質的關係。靜坐練習時間為自變項,分別為靜坐資歷、每次靜坐時間和每週靜坐次數等三項。研究工具為中文版基本人格量表(CBPI),實際研究對象為294人,研究發現有二:(1)整體靜坐練習時間投入與健康、自在、正常有正向顯著關係;和(2)各靜坐練習變項則分別與不同的人格特質有關,如(a)靜坐資歷與開朗、自在、穩健和正常有正向顯著相關;(b)每次靜坐時間與健康有正向顯著相關;(c)每週靜坐次數則與現實感有正向顯著相關;和(d)與每次靜坐時間和每週靜坐次數兩者都有正向顯著相關者則為自尊方面。本研究最後根據研究結果探究其意涵,並對諮商人員和靜坐者提出相關建議。
The purpose of this study was to use regression statistics to analyze the relationship of meditation practice on personality. Three variables of time practicing were independent variables, which included length, duration and frequency. Research instrument was the Chinese version of basic personality inventory (CBPI). There were 393 participants. There were two findings: (1) when length, duration and frequency combined together, four personality traits were significant differences. Such as, hypochondriasis versus health, anxiety versus ease, self-depreciation versus self-esteem, and deviation versus normal. (2) Respectively, (a) length had significant relationship with depression versus open-mindedness, anxiety versus ease, impulse expression versus stability, and deviation versus normal. (b) Duration had significant relation with hypochondriasis versus health. (c) Frequency had significant relationship with thinking disorder versus realistic thinking. And (4) duration and frequency both had significant relationship self-depreciation versus self-esteem. Discussion and suggestions were also included. |
Table of contents | 壹、前言 68 貳、文獻探討 69 一、靜坐的相關研究 69 (一)靜坐的成分 69 (二)靜坐與心理治療 69 二、人格的相關研究 69 (一)人格的定義 69 (二)基本人格量表的理論概念 70 三、靜坐和人格的關係 70 參、研究方法 72 一、參與者 72 二、資料收集過程 72 三、問卷 72 (一)人口資料問卷 72 (二)中文版基本人格量表(CBPI) 73 四、統計分析 73 肆、研究結果 73 一、受試者的背景資料分析 73 二、靜坐練習變項分析 73 三、十項人格特質分析 74 四、統計分析 75 (一)主要變項相關矩陣分析 75 (二)練習變項與十項人格特質分析 75 (三)練習變項對於人格特質的逐步迴歸分析 75 伍、討論和建議 76 一、討論 76 (一)靜坐練習時間投入和 CBPI 十項人格特質的關係 77 (二)靜坐各練習變項與各個人格特質的顯著相關性 78 二、建議 79 (一)對諮商人員和靜坐者的建議 79 1. 對諮商人員的建議 79 2. 對靜坐者的建議 79 (二)本研究的優勢和限制 79 1. 優勢 79 2. 限制 80
ISSN | 16072952 (P) |
Hits | 145 |
Created date | 2021.04.28 |
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