通往人間淨土的鑰匙 ── 淺談聖嚴法師的菩薩戒=A Key Leading to the Pure Land: Discussion of the Bodhisattva Vows in Master Sheng Yen’s System |
Author |
周柔含 (著)=Chou, Jou-han (au.)
Source |
聖嚴研究:第二輯=Studies of Master Sheng Yen No.2
Date | 2011.07 |
Pages | 113 - 154 |
Publisher | 法鼓文化 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺北, 臺灣 [Taipei, Taiwan] |
Series | 聖嚴思想論叢 |
Series No. | 2 |
Content type | 專題研究論文=Research Paper |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 作者單位:慈濟大學宗教與文化研究所助理教授=Assistant Professor, Institute of Religion and Culture, Tzu Chi University
Keyword | 菩薩戒=Bodhisattva Vows; 人間淨土=pure land on earth; 心靈環保=green mind |
Abstract | 1989年聖嚴法師創建鼓山,提出「提昇人的品質,建設人間淨土」理念。所謂的「人間淨土」是指怎樣的願景呢?為什麼要強調「人間淨土」,而不是「佛國淨土」呢?又該如何成就「人間淨土」?然而,所說的「人間淨土」和經典中所提到的「北俱盧洲」有什麼不同?既然戒律是佛子生活的防腐劑,受五戒、十善即可,為什麼要強調受持菩薩戒呢? 此外,為了淨化人心、淨化社會,實踐人間淨土,聖嚴法師提出一連串的社會淨化運動,如「心五四運動」、「心六倫」等,這一切都是以「心靈環保」為主軸的精神啟蒙運動。究竟「心靈環保」的訴求是什麼?它和人間淨土有什麼關係? 本文擬從菩薩三聚淨戒的精神與特色來探討,聖嚴法師如何回歸佛陀本懷,提昇人的品質,透過心靈環保,推動社會淨化運動,建設人間淨土。
Master Sheng Yen, who created Dhamm Drum Mountain in 1989, said that the vision is “Uplift the Character of Humanity and Build a Pure Land on Earth.” What is the vision of so-called “a Pure Land on Earth?” Why emphasize “a Pure Land on Earth,” not “a Buddhist Pure Land?” How to build “a Pure Land on Earth?” What is the difference between “a Pure Land on Earth” and “Uttarakuru” in the Sutta? Since the Discipline is the protection of all Buddhists, why should he put emphasis on the Bodhisattva Vows rather than the Five Precepts or Ten Good Deeds? In addition, in order to purify the mind, purify the social and build a Pure Land on Earth, he presented a series of social purification campaign, such as “Fivefold Spiritual Renaissance Campaign,” “The Six Ethics of the Mind Campaign” and so on, all these spirit Enlightenment movements use the “Green Mind” as the main base. What is the true meaning of the “Green Mind?” Has it anything to do with “a Pure Land on Earth? ” This paper will discuss several ideas. First, from the spirit and features of Bodhisattva Trimeric Pure Precepts to explore that how he went back to the spirit of Buddha, found the way to uplift the character of humanity. Then through the green mind, how he promoted social purification campaign then trying to build a Pure Land. |
Table of contents | 一、前言 115 二、關於菩薩戒 116 (一) 關於「戒」117 (二) 菩薩戒的精神與特色 121 (三) 十善道 122 (四) 菩薩戒的時空適應 124 (五) 回歸佛陀本懷 126 三、人間淨土 128 (一) 建設人間 130 (二) 人間淨土與北俱盧洲 133 (三) 人間淨土與菩薩戒 135 四、心靈環保 136 五、社會淨化運動 141 六、結語 146 |
Hits | 305 |
Created date | 2021.07.22 |
Modified date | 2021.07.22 |

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