幸福社會的經濟幸福 ── 佛教的幸福經濟學=Economic Happiness in a Happy Economy: When Economics Meets Buddhism |
Author |
許永河 (著)=Hsu, Yuan-ho (au.)
Source |
聖嚴研究:第九輯=Studies of Master Sheng Yen Vol.9
Date | 2017.11 |
Pages | 51 - 112 |
Publisher | 法鼓文化 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺北, 臺灣 [Taipei, Taiwan] |
Series | 聖嚴思想論叢 |
Series No. | 9 |
Content type | 專題研究論文=Research Paper |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 作者單位:國立成功大學經濟學系副教授 Associate Professor, Department of Economics, National Cheng Kung University |
Keyword | 幸福社會; 經濟幸福=Happiness Economics; 佛法=Buddhism; Economic Happiness |
Abstract | 世間經濟活動最初係以滿足日常生活的需要為出發點,但最後淪為市場中逐利的競合賽局。市場經濟發展的結果,專業分工成為常態,在此社會中沒有人可以不倚賴他人的經濟活動來獲得生活之所需。專業分工帶來產量增加及物品的多樣化,大大地提昇物質欲望滿足的機會,但分工的產品必須在市場中交換與銷售,然而市場充滿不確定性,不確定性帶來不安。因此,市場經濟所帶來的產出成長與消費增加,未必使人們的幸福感等量地成長。幸福是普世價值,在主流經濟分析中僅探討「資源利用最佳化」或「滿足最大化」的條件,甚少討論經濟幸福的議題。晚近「幸福經濟學」的發展,彌補了傳統經濟學中經濟幸福論述的缺口,但目前的研究不論是從社經或心理因素來探討生活滿意度或幸福感,其研究內容雖均試圖點出影響幸福感的因素,卻無法說明如何可以在世俗經濟生活中獲得幸福。因此,本文試圖從佛法的觀點來探討幸福社會的經濟幸福,說明佛陀的教法如何教人在世俗的經濟生活中得到現世的安樂與幸福,更能進一步得到未來的平安幸福。佛陀對平安幸福的教法,是遍一切時、遍一切處、遍一切人均可用的,其教法的實踐即是「人間淨土」的幸福生活;其內容不否定世俗的物質生活,但又能為世俗財富與欲望追求所產生的熱惱不安提供清涼丹方。
The fundamental motivation for secular economic activities is to satisfy personal material needs and ensure economic security. The emergence of large-scale markets leads to universal development of social division of labor, which changes the nature of daily economic activities in the market economy. With the introduction of division of labor, production efficiency has been increases so that the economy as a whole could produce more and consume more. Growth of output leads to higher income and more affluent material life of the people. However, life contentment of people doesn’t necessarily increase in pace with the increase in income and output. The fact that the increase in life satisfaction is incommensurate with income growth in the market oriented industrial world casts a question of the adequacy of welfare analysis in the orthodox economics studies. Recent development of “Happiness Economics” study challenges the orthodox’s “optimization” paradigm and endeavors to incorporate socio-economic or psychological factors in the study of economic “happiness”. However, the empirical studies or survey based study of “Happiness Economics” can only provide limited information regarding the determination of “economic happiness” of people living in specific time and location; it is incapable of drawing universal conclusion regarding what is happiness and how can people attain happiness. The current study aims to bridge this gap by introducing the Buddha’s teaching on happiness and economic activities. Contrary to the secular economic study that can only provide partial information on the determination of economic happiness, the teaching in Buddhism can illuminate a universal path to the attainment of happiness in every day’s economic life. |
Table of contents | 一、導論 53 二、傳統經濟理論中的經濟幸福分析 57 (一) 古典經濟學的道德情操與經濟幸福 57 (二) 主流經濟學之限制條件下經濟幸福的追求 61 (三) 近代幸福經濟學的發展:經濟幸福決定因素的實證探索 68 生活與休閒安排 69 社會關係 70 性別 70 健康 71 教育程度 71 婚姻狀態 71 年齡 71 所得或個人經濟狀況 72 三、從佛法看幸福的經濟生活 73 (一) 從佛法看人在世間:欲望、善惡、苦樂、因果因緣,正報依報 76 (二) 佛法的幸福通則:〈七佛通戒偈〉85 (三) 佛法的人間經濟幸福 90 四、結語 100 參考文獻 107 英文摘要 111 |
Hits | 217 |
Created date | 2021.08.06 |
Modified date | 2021.08.06 |

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