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杭州海潮寺與華嚴大學=Hangzhou Haichao Temple and Huayan Institute |
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Date | 2018.11 |
Pages | 67 - 82 |
Publisher | 財團法人臺北市華嚴蓮社 |
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Location | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 會議論文=Proceeding Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 作者單位:杭州師範大學政經學院 教授(Professor, Hangzhou Normal University) |
Keyword | 杭州海潮寺=Hangzhou Haichao Temple; 華嚴大學=Huayan Institue; 華嚴蓮社=Huayan Lotus Association; 華嚴學傳弘=The Propagation and Development of Huayan School |
Abstract | 一、杭州海潮寺歷史沿革 海潮寺至今四百多年歷史。關於海潮寺肇建,明末《武林梵志》與當代的《杭州佛教史》說法不盡一致,本文認同前者的記載,指出後者所謂蓮池大師創建之說缺乏根據。海潮寺初建時規模不大,清嘉靖、道光年間擴建,成為杭州巨刹。咸豐年間毀於太平天國之亂。同治三年起,住持普照清道勸募重建,光緒年間海潮寺重現輝煌。普照法子顯振赴上海募建海潮寺下院,在小南門外建成留雲禪寺,為後來華嚴大學遷往杭州結下勝緣。民初上海華嚴大學在杭州續辦,在海潮寺歷史上寫下光輝一頁。清末民初,海潮寺與靈隱寺、淨慈寺、昭慶寺並稱杭州四大叢林。日寇侵華期間,海潮寺為日軍所占,因遭雷擊寺院主要建築毀於大 火。抗戰勝利後,顯光法師力圖修復,並於此開展僧教育,頗有成效,但遇到一些違緣,未能全部實現初衷。1958 年在海潮寺舊址建橡膠廠,後來僅有天王殿遺 構尚存,2000 年公佈為杭州文保單位。 二、海潮寺與華嚴大學、華嚴蓮社及華嚴學傳弘的勝緣月霞法師在上海創建華嚴大學,開學不久即因違緣難以為繼。海潮寺下院上 海留雲寺住持、顯振禪師徒孫應乾及時伸出援手,並與杭州海潮寺住持聯絡,達成華嚴大學遷杭續辦的協定。60 名學僧在杭州海潮寺圓滿完成學業,其中不乏後 來在中國佛教發展中卓有成就的佛門龍象。就與華嚴蓮社及華嚴傳弘的因緣而言,智光法師是一位承上啟下最關鍵的大德。正是智光弟子南亭在臺北創辦了華 嚴蓮社和華嚴專宗學院,智光另一弟子靄亭亦是華嚴大學學僧,於華嚴傳弘也多有建樹。常惺、慈舟、戒塵、了塵、持松、惠宗、慕西、妙闊等畢業學僧也作出 了各自應有的貢獻。 三、海潮寺重建之現狀與前景 近年重建海潮寺呼聲強烈,杭州市政府與杭州佛教協會已達成復建共識,在海潮寺舊址擇地由杭州佛教協會建設。期待海潮寺重建能早日變成現實,與海峽 對岸的華嚴蓮社再續前緣。
First, the history of Hangzhou Haichao Temple. Haichao Temple has a history of more than four hundred years. On the creation of Haichao Temple, “Wulin Fanzhi” of the late Ming Dynasty and the contemporary “History of Hangzhou Buddhism” is not exactly the same. This paper agrees with the former records, pointing out the view point that the temple was founded by Master Lianchi lacks of reasonable basis. Haichao Temple was not very large at first. Later it was expanded in the Jiaqing and Daoguang years of Qing Dynasty, and became a large temple in Hangzhou. In the Xianfeng years of Qing Dynasty, it was destroyed by the Taiping Rebellion. Since the Tongzhi three years of Qing Dynasty, the abbot of Haichao Temple, Master Puzhao fundraised to reconstruct the temple which resplended again in the Guangxu years of Qing Dynasty. As a disciple of Master Puzhao, Xianzhen went to Shanghai to build a branch of Haichao Temple, Liuyun Temple outside Xiaonan Gate. This forged a fate for Huayan Institute which later moved to Hangzhou. In the early years of the Republic of China, Shanghai Huayan Institute continued to run in Hangzhou, which wrote a glorious page in the history of Haichao Temple. In the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, Haichao Temple, Lingyin Temple, Jingci Temple and Zhaoqing Temple were regarded as the four largest temples in Hangzhou. During the Japanese invasion of China, the temple was under control of Japanese army and later was struck by lightning which resulted in that main buildings were destroyed by the fire. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Master Xianguang tried to repair and carry out monk education, as was first quite effective, but later he encountered some breach stopping him from completely realizing his original dreams. In 1958 at the site of Haichao Temple was built a rubber factory, later only King Hall remains, in 2000 it was identified as the Hangzhou cultural security unit. Second, the connection between Haichao Temple and Huayan Institue, Huayan Lotus Association, Propagation and Development of Huayan School. Master Yuexia created Huayan Institue in Shanghai. The school will soon be difficult to sustain. Yinggan being the abbot of Shanghai Liuyun Temple which was branch of Haichao Temple and being an apprentice of Master Xianzhen’s lended a helping hand in time. He contacted the abbot of Hangzhou Haichao Temple, and reached an agreement to renew the relocation of Huayan Institute. Sixty monks successfully completed their buddhism education in Haichao Temple, many of whom later reached great achievement and played important roles in the development of Chinese Buddhism. Speaking about the fate of Huayan Lotus Association and Propagation and Development of Huayan School, Master Zhiguang was a link between the most critical figures. It is precisely Zhiguang's apprentice Nanting in Taipei founded Huayan Lotus Association and Huayan College. Another apprentice of Zhiguang, Aiting was also from Huayan Institute, who made great achievements in Huayan School as well. Changxing, Cizhou, Jiechen, Liaochen, Chisong, Huizong, Muxi, Miao kuo and other graduates made th |
Table of contents | 一、杭州海潮寺歷史沿革 71 二、海潮寺與華嚴大學、華嚴蓮社及華嚴傳弘的勝緣 75 三、杭州海潮寺重建之現狀與前景 79 |
Hits | 1069 |
Created date | 2021.12.02 |
Modified date | 2022.06.01 |
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