Literati Chan at the Song Dynasty Court: The Role of Yang Yi in the Creation Chan Identity=宋朝朝廷的文人襌: 楊億在襌宗的獨特性之開創中所扮演的重要角色 |
Author |
Welter, Albert (著)=魏雅博 (au.)
Source |
Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies=中華佛學學報
Volume | v.34 |
Date | 2021.07 |
Pages | 91 - 159 |
Publisher | Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies=中華佛學研究所 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 英文=English |
Note | Author Affiliations: Department of East Asian Studies, University of Arizona |
Keyword | Yang Yi=楊億; Chan=襌宗; Jingde Chuandeng lu=景德傳燈錄; separate transmission=別傳 |
Abstract | In The current study argues for the early Song Dynasty literatus Yang Yi’s 楊億 (974–1020) important role in the formation of Chan and the creation of Chan’s hallmark identity as “a separate transmission outside the teaching” (jiaowai biechuan 教外別傳). It is an amplification of my argument in Monks, Rulers, and Literati: The Political Ascendancy of Chan Buddhism based on close textual analysis and full translations of relevant documents: Preface to the Anthology of the Shared Practices of Buddhas and Patriarchs 佛祖同參集序; Preface to the Record of the Transmission of the Lamp compiled in the Jingde era 景德傳燈錄序; and entry on Yang Yi in the Expanded Lamp Record compiled in the Tiansheng era 天聖廣燈錄. Moreover, Yang Yi’s advocacy of Chan as “a separate practice outside the teaching” in the Chuandeng lu coincided with a literary model that distinguished Song civilization from its predecessors. Thus, his promotion of Chan was intermingled with political interests at the Song court, where Song officials sympathetic to Buddhism were concerned over ways to promote the religion that coincided with imperial motives. Yang Yi’s Jingde Chuandeng lu Preface specifies Chan as an imperially sanctioned form of Buddhism in the Song, explicitly mentioning the Song emperors’ important role in encouraging Chan.
此研究探討宋朝初期的文人楊億(974–1020)在襌宗的形成和其創立標誌性的「教外別傳」中所扮演的重要角色。此文對〈佛祖同參集序〉、〈景德傳燈錄序〉以及〈天聖廣燈錄〉中一節與楊億有關的文獻,提供嚴謹的文本分析和完整的翻譯,這是根據我的書《和尚、統治者與文人:襌宗的政治優勢》(Monks, Rulers, and Literati: The Political Ascendancy of Chan Buddhism)中的觀點而更加詳盡的論證。此外,在《傳燈錄》中楊億所主張的襌宗之「教外別傳」的特性,剛好符合一種區分宋朝文化與先前朝代的文學模式。因此,他提倡推廣襌宗是和宋朝廷的政治興趣互相交織一起,宋朝官員支持佛教,而他們所關切的是在推廣宗教的方法上和朝廷的主旨互相一致。楊億的〈景德傳燈錄序〉中具體説明襌宗是宋皇朝所認可的佛教型式,且明確地提到宋朝皇帝在護持襌宗中所扮演的重要角色。 |
Table of contents | A Tale of Two Prefaces: Yang Yi’s “Conversion” from Fayan to Linji Faction Chan 102 From Fozu tongcan ji to Jingde Chuandeng lu 105 Yang Yi and the Creation of Chan Identity 108 [Generation from Bodhidharma] Yang Yi’s Dharma Lineage 119 Conclusion 124 Appendix 124
ISSN | 23132000 (P); 23132019 (E) |
Hits | 410 |
Created date | 2021.12.20 |
Modified date | 2023.10.13 |

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